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10 Teasers from Merlin Series 4, Ep 9 “Lancelot du Lac”



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hinata26 said:
Thanx. For sharing!!! ;-)
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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no 10 - putting gwen in jail or banishing her!!!!! OMG i can't take it anymore - i just want happy moments!!
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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alliekaat said:
Remember that these teasers are never what they seem.
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vivll said:
"Merlin says goodbye to a close friend."... no, thats Gwen!! :-(
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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i've calmed down now, no 10 could allude to maybe arthur banning lancelot instead and you're quite right allikaat - they could mean anything - sigh waiting for ep 11 is torture ... lol
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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hinata26 said:
^^ I don't think it's Lancelot I think it's gwen because we know she'll be away and will return in episode 11. Plus I don't think there will have any Lancelot after episode 9. I think he'll be dead for good.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Melisey said:
Oh I can imagine Gwen will be the one to leave. Arthur being all heartbroken, his manipulative uncle whispering in his ear. Of course I am not sure. But it could be a lead to Arthur's temporary downfall. Then Gwen will come back in episode 11 and love will conquer all, but by then there has been damage to the kingdom and it all leads to the final episodes. I am just speculating of course. It might not go down this way at all.

No matter how it goes down. Arwen is endgame. There is nothing the creepy uncle and Morgana can do about that.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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1.Agravaine almost gets stabbed by a Pendragon: Yes! I think that is Morgana, but...

2.Morgana believes that another one of her visions has come to pass: She is probably thinking of Gwen's coronation!

4.Arthur surprises Gwen and her response confuses him: OMG! Is it about the proposal? Can't be!

6.“I did what I felt was right in my heart.”: Can be anyone!

7.Gwen holds the hand of the man she loves in his tent: I hope is Arthur's.

8.Agravaine ensures that his nephew is in the right place at the wrong time: The clip scene, for sure! He was there in the background!

10.Arthur makes an extremely difficult decision and Merlin tries to change his mind: What will he do? Probably something related to Gwen, I believe.

11.Merlin says goodbye to a close friend: Gwen or Lancelot, but may be Gwen.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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This has only made us more on pins and needles. Accomplishes what they've set out to do, lol.

#7. If she holds the hand of Lancelot in a tent at any time in this episode, I will most definitely throw up.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Theogirl said:
Here are my thoughts on what these teasers may mean:

1. Agravaine almost gets stabbed by a Pendragon.

Morgana when he tells her about Arthur and Gwen's upcoming engagement.

2. “We all have our secrets and unfortunately for *********, I know ****.”

Guinevere, hers-probably in reference to her past feelings for Lancelot.

3. Morgana believes that another one of her visions has come to pass.

The proposal.

4. Arthur surprises Gwen and her response confuses him.

She probably cries before answering and he's not sure if they are tears of joy or sorrow.

5. Morgana feels sad for what ******** used to be.

Possibly Lancelot.

6. “I did what I felt was right in my heart.”

Lancelot's words about his "sacrifice".

7. Gwen holds the hand of the man she loves in his tent.

*fingers crossed extremely tight* It's Arthur before the crap hits the fan.

8. Agravaine ensures that his nephew is in the right place at the wrong time.

The trailer scene where enchanted Gwen and Lancelot are in an intimate embrace.

9. Merlin is shocked at witnessing the actions of his friends.

All the chaos that ensues after Lancelot's return.

10. Arthur makes an extremely difficult decision and Merlin tries to change his mind.

Maybe the decision is about placing Gwen in the dungeons. I mean that's not something he'd do lightly and his uncle is sure to be whispering words of treason and how it will look if he does nothing. And of course would try to convince him that there will be consequences if he takes that route.

11. Merlin says goodbye to a close friend.

If Gwen, I'm still hoping that its her choice, after everything that goes down and she just decides she needs to go. If Lancelot, maybe his enchantment is broken and he knows he has no future in Camelot and goes.

posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
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Yeah, 6 can be Lancelot! I haven't thought of that! Thanks, Theogirl.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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The 4th confuses me...but we saw in the preview, he puts the ring on her finger. She has to say yes, right? I'm really nervous about this episode but thank god for THIS episode!
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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These teasers are not helping. They're only serving to make me more anxious and nervous. Saturday can't come soon enough.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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I do not like these teasers. They make my tummy hurt.
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EPaws said:
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Miouwee said:
@Theogirl I'm absolutely with you. Those were my guesses too. But at #9 I was thinking of the knights turning against Arthur and being on Lancelots side or the flirtation going on between Gwencelot!!!

By the way is this not the "Musical" Ep where some of the characters are gonna sing, our Gwen for example??? One of the cast members mentioned it in an interview...
It was supposed to make to whole clash a little bit lighter for Arwen-addicts like us ;-) but i'm not sure maybe i'm confusing something here...
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Definitely, she has the ring on later in other scenes, so they must get engaged. I agree No.4 is probably that she cries. Sometimes men don't understand.

#2. "Guinevere" Hers. Third person, probably said by Morgana. Gwen probably told her about the Lancelot thing back in s2. Hence, why she brings him back. I was wondering how they kew.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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these teasers aren't helping me in the least. it's making my tummy hurt too...i need Saturday to be here like now!
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Nasty_Nat said:
I hate them teasers.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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I was at peace with the episode. Until I read these. Now I've spiraled back. I would like to say that I'm just going to stay away until after I see the episode. But we all jolly well know that that ain't happenin'.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Theogirl said:

I was also at peace about this episode until I read these teasers and now I'm back to being anxious. I hate to wish my life away but I hope Saturday hurries up and I really hope the payoff is worth the angst to come.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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itsastart said:
Kim, my tummy hurts too, and my eyes are actually wet with tears right now. I don't care if we do know they are endgame, I just do not handle angst well, and these teasers, oh my, please transport me in time and tell me it is over, and they are getting married, and I can rewind their wedding snog over and over again. I need to go to Naima's bubble right now...........
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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ArwenRule said:
omg i feel the same everyone!!! my tummy is doing somersaults right now!!! the more i read the teasers i feel even more sick in the tummy!! i know arwen are endgame but its the getting there!! im not wishing the series away or anything BUT HURRY UP EPISODE 11 i cant deal with the angst it breaks my heart!!!
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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I can't handle this.. This is too much. I'm having serious panic attack!! I don't have a good feeling about this, don't know why. i don't like it.. I really don't...
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Don't panic ladies! Calm down! Because there are more teasers coming and I need you all at one piece...*freaking out*
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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2Sam11 said:
everything will be alright ladies!
and in 3-5 weeks we will laugh about that episode and enjoy the possible weeding !
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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big smile
Melisey said:
While many of you are panicking and dreading this. I am overjoyed, I can hardly sit still these days. Because it is all I think about.I have never been this excited about an episode before. This is what epic is made of. It has to have it's angst and trials. She will be Queen remember. :)
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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I know you're all for it, I am too, but that doesn's stop me from feeling this way.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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ArwenRule said:
actually feeling a bit better cos once ep 9 is over with, there is so much to look forward too!! and knowing that everything will turn out ok knowing that our arwen are gonnna be together 4ever!! Bring on EP 11 xxx
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Melisey said:
I know Joppa, It will be OK. This kind of angst can be hard to handle. I am just an angst addict. :D But just remind yourself that they will be together again, married. Mr. and Mrs Pendragon and the triangle will be dealt with and over.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.