Code Lyoko evidence of couple O+A=luv!

TDIlover226 posted on Jan 09, 2009 at 08:33AM
there has been alot of evidence that odd and aelita have a thing for each other

Code Lyoko 3 جوابات

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پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک nomaner said…
Yeah, but there's a WHOLE LOT MORE EVIDENCE FOR JEREMY AND AELITA to be together.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
 Yeah, but there's a WHOLE LOT مزید EVIDENCE FOR JEREMY AND AELITA to be together.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک OddAiletalove said…
i want OxA in code lyoko evolution for 2012 (kabillion confirmed a season 5)
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک greek994 said…
Odd and Aelita are a great couple. Hate seeing Jeremie and Aelita together I just hate it. Odd and Aelita are made for enother.