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SVU PTSD (10x08) Spoilers



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ebathory said:
Great! I'm glad they're addressing the Sealview (that's what the prison was called, wasn't it?) thing, I hope she opens up to Stabler about it. I doubt she will though, it's more her style to just keep these kinda things to herself, or at the most talk to Huang about them, but you'd think that her partner should know about things that may affect her in the field....

Can't wait for this ep though, looks great! Thanks for posting, Livi!
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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yep Sealview it was, I hope she opens up to Huang, or maybe Warner - Warner was the one that worked it out before she said anything...
"Olivia, were you raped down there"?...
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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BeSafe said:
I wish beyond wish that she would open up to Elliot, but I have a feeling she is probably going to open up to Fin just based on what I've read, and the fact that Elliot only has like four lines in this episode...Idk maybe she will open up to him down the road you know?
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.