Lost Club
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1-Tell him Lost is so silly

2-Ask him what happened in the last episode while having lunch

3-Keep going on and on about how unrealistic it is

4-Ask him"What?Six seasons and they're still on the island?"

5-Refer to hurley as "The Fat Guy"

6-Tell him Heroes is much better

7-Mock Lost سے طرف کی making up stupid theories

8-Brag that Heroes has مزید شائقین than Lost.

9-When seeing Dominic Monaghen on TV say "Hey,isn't that the guy from Lord of the rings"

10-Stand infront of the TV while Lost is on air.

11-If he starts talking about Lost Say "Ahh,Here we go,again"

12-Link anything from Lost to anything from Heroes

13-Say that Darlton are losing control of the story

14-Complain about the Boring Flashbacks of some episodes (Stranger in a strange land,House of the rising Sun,etc.)

15-Tell him he's totally Obsessed with a silly TV Show.
added by BeautifulLover
Source: tumblr
added by BeautifulLover
Source: tumblr
added by sophialover
Source: /natu_lost/
added by sahour95
added by frsbg
Source: credit: lost-forum
added by frsbg
Source: credit: lost-forum.com
added by frsbg
added by frsbg
Source: credit: mswendy.wordpress.com
added by -lostgirl-
added by -lostgirl-
added by sahour95
added by -lostgirl-
added by MelBelle2
Source: Andreia
added by sahour95
added by sahour95
added by sahour95
added by sahour95
added by sahour95
added by rcerione
Source: rcerione
added by sahour95