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posted by TakTheFox
“Only three hours ago a disguised Banshee was caught infiltrating Highest-Academy Intraments, a prestigious school and third in security-ranking of this state. According to students who claim to have interacted with her, she seemed to have been hiding to fit in though we have discovered evidence of otherwise.” The reporter casually walked over to a victim laying atop a table. “Sir, can you tell us what happened?”

“It carved a moon on my head, then bit my fingers off! That’s what happened! Said its name was Rynk.”

The reporter turned back to the camera. “Some of you may not know, but this particular Hellborn also has gone under the name of ‘Demon-Steel’ as part of an elite-terrorist-group known as ‘Heavy Metal’ who three months prior attacked an End-Ga Business-station. It was thought that the group had dissolved as both the leader and one tech-member were found dead the day of the attack, but this attack could suggest that this ‘Rynk’ meant to infiltrate the school as a means to plan an attack for the remaining members. Law-Enforcement has decided to place the school under lockdown and watch despite there being no fatal causalities.”

“Got herself founded.” A Television-watcher noted. He was human, at medium height, with a scraggly sand-paper grey-beard, a black scrunched-up hat, a black coat, and dark jeans. His skin was incredibly pale, and he spoke in a Scottish accent. He was sitting in a messy room, with four television screens in front of him, and three computers to his left.

The room itself was large and cold. It being winter made that perfectly logical, but even in the winter-season it still seemed colder than it should be.

A second man, younger than the first forty-one year-old, more near his twenties, with an equally scraggly beard, but a much less square face, much taller, and wearing grey and black with a red-striped scarf, and orange for hair both facial and uncovered by a lack of hat, walked over; the sound of a door slamming followed by a glass-like clank, acting at the same time as his footsteps. He held a dripping beverage, brown, in his hand. “Which her- oh, the lynx. That was dumb of her. They catch her?”


“… Y-you sound worried… You did something,” The younger male moved to a door at their left, latching it repeatedly, “she’s coming back to us now isn’t-“ *thud* The door cracked a bit forward but remained latched.

“… Whad’ya want, Rynk?” The younger asked in a tuned-tone of irritation.

“To make you hurt… y… you…” The lynx tuned back from behind the door.

“I have a name, y’know.”

“Is it Mancrez Idolza?”


“Then you can move aside and not get hurt.”

“Can’t we talk first?” The older male yelled over from his chair.

“Ha!” Rynk replied. “Just ripter first and we’ll talk.”

The younger peeked at the hole made by the kick, meeting eyes with the angered lynx. “C’mon, girl… please? Place is messed enough as it is.” After hearing a sigh of what he hoped was agreement, the younger shoved the door closed and unlatched it. Unfortunately he misunderstood the intention of the sigh. As soon as the last latch was unhooked, the door slammed open with the knob hitting the younger in the stomach.

Rynk leapt forward, claws out and poised to jab into the flesh of Mancrez. While in mid-air her leg was grabbed-hold-of, and she found herself bashing into the dirty-carpet floor face-first. “Just wait.” The younger groaned out, walking past her in a hunch, rubbing his stomach with a cringing lip.

The lynx rose up, controlling herself from hissing only so that she could spit out the pieces of dust and lint from her mouth. “Your little pot- *pweh!*-POTION, lasted six hours. You told me one vial goes for five-weeks and it wasn’t like I enjoyed screaming for ten minutes when I injected that one.”

“Happens.” Idolza shrugged, turning to face her. “What I’m concerned is you killing some of the only people in this country willing to supply Hellborns. ‘Sides, we can’t say for sure how it’ll react to different Banshees. They adapt to it remember? And I don’t even know how it would last on you.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, guess I forgot about you telling me that before I paid you.” She hissed back while still spitting at the side.

“Do… you want some water for that?” The younger asked.

Rynk tried to stay hostile but nodded with an irritated grunt, her previously erect ears flopping sideways for a moment. The younger walked off.

Idolza raised his arms in a defeated-sigh. “What do you want, Rynk? Little girl fighting against the world; if you’re going this alone you need to handle interactions better.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” She chuckled forcefully. “Should’ve bitten off YOUR fingers as an incentive.”

“You might be trained, you might be danger-“ Rynk’s palm pressed against his hand, her now claw-sheathed fingers digging in to his cheeks.

“AM…” She hissed. “or are. Don’t ever say otherwise.” She let go.

“Whether you are or not, does that matter? You couldn’t have taken out everyone in that school, you were trying to escape. You may be danger, kid, but you aren’t high-ranking danger. ‘Sides, you kill me, and I don’t even wanna think of all the people who will kill you… where…” Idolza turned towards the direction the younger walked past before turning back to Rynk. “Mind if I check what’s taking?”

“Yes.” She narrowed her eyes. He raised a glowing-blue long-nozzle-rifle, pointed at her forehead.


Rynk kept silent, still glaring, but did not move. Idolza walked out of sight. Fifteen second passed before she decided to chase after the human, but not five steps into her search a gunshot sounded, and a large thud echoed its passing. {Did he just kill his partner?}

Deciding to cautiously investigate now, Rynk climbed to the ceiling, laying belly-up as she slowly crawled forward. The bang came from the kitchen area of the grovel-like housing-area, where Idolza was now standing in, closing the refrigerator door next to the younger’s collapsed body.

The lynx-girl leaped at Idolza’s head from behind, thinking she was unnoticed but had she been watching Idolza’s right hand curving clockwise she would have realized that he was well aware of her location, and thus he promptly she the lynx, sending an electric current through her which moved through her body and around her head, sending Rynk into a daze.

She collapsed on the ground, groaning lightly while limp. “Your bones can protect you for the most part, directing the electricity, but not when it gets to your skull.” The lynx didn’t feel the pain of impact, but everything went dark regardless when the rear of the gun slammed against the side of her head.

“Где ?” (Where)

“Говорит… ‘Mas’Hal’.” (Says ... 'Mas'Hal')

“Mas’Hal, Egra?” (Mas’Hal, Egra?)

“Правильно так.” (Correct)

{Am I tied up?}

“Вы хотите это все еще ?” (You want it still?)

“Хм ... Она не выглядит Ад – родился.” (Hmm ... It does not look like a hell – born)

{That… Those’r Nekair words...}

“О, вы не любите смешанные - породы ? Она имеет полосами и посмотреть на ушах !” (Oh, you do not like mixed - breed? It has stripes and look at the ears)

“Хм ... Уши являются приятная особенность .” (Hmm ... The ears are a nice feature)

{Flaggin’… how do… ва-… ванная…Should’ve read more of that book… something’s holding my hands still. If I could look over...}

“Так сделать you хотите это?” (So do you want it?)

“Ну, я не могу сказать нет, не сейчас . Мы увидим, как хорошо она ярмарки , но я хочу свои деньги назад , если это превращается в проблему .” (Well, I can not say no , not now. We'll see how well it fairs, but I want my money back , if it becomes an issue)

“Как вы думаете, вы можете принимать решение что ? Вы хотели один из них . Вы знаете риски . Я не собираюсь платить , потому что вы были неудовлетворены .” (Do you think you can decide that ? You want one of them. You know the risks . I'm not going to pay, because you were dissatisfied)

“Хорошо, вы выиграете. Вот .” (Okay, you win. Here you go.)

The sliding of items scraping against each other rings in Rynk’s ears as she waits for the transaction to finish. {Slavers, huh? Can’t get out of these cuffs; must be specia- whoa! Hey! Who’s pullin’ me?!] Her eyes flashed open, intending to be a brief second, but kept awake after noticing the surroundings.

Rynk found herself in a snowy parking-lot atop a large metal pan before being gently picked up by someone who was now holding her in his arms and carrying the young lynx to a long white car. He was near his thirties it seemed, an extremely tall grey echidna with large arms and a strong grip. His eyes were a contrasting orchid-color, being the only other parts standing out except for his dark grey clothing. The lynx had a brief moment of blush but immediately after it turned into disgust. She had many ideas of what was going to happen where she was headed.

This caused the hybrid to cringe uncontrollably, bringing the attention of the echidna, who looked down to the lynx for a moment before shrugging it off and placing her in the backseat of the car, sitting opposite her as a driver drove them to the highway.

Slowly Rynk opened a slit of one eye, making sure her lids didn’t pop open. She needed to make sure the angle she struck from was perfect. The echidna did not seem to be looking at her. He was more preoccupied with the windows of this limousine. Nothing appeared to be in his hands but Rynk felt his grip; she did not want to have this turn to an endurance fight. Unless she managed to use her leg-muscles, she would not be able to fight against him.

She was laying on her side, facing him obviously, with her cuffed hands at her front, and not behind her back. she thought. {Whatever; easier for me.} Slowly, combining occasional faint groans with shrugs, Rynk bent one leg back, placing her foot at the base of the cushioned seat behind her. She saw him look over at her, and hoped that he was not enjoying the moment too much. He did not seem to be smiling which was good. If he were she would not be able to control herself. The thought of it made the hybrid want to bite out his teeth if she were able to, or perhaps his long handsome dreadlocks. {Concentrate… Ready…}


Pouncing forward from the seat, and making sure to shove herself upward with her cuffed-hands upon descending, the lynx landed on the echidna’s shoulder, He had moved out of the way. {He might have time to do something/ Gotta distract.}

She bit down at his shoulder but unfortunately he moved again. Rynk felt herself getting pushed forward, face into the cushion; suffocating. Pain followed this in her back, and soon after that, unconsciousness. {Flagg… in…}

“So what is your name, тварь?” He spoke in English (or Singskrit). Rynk’s eyes bulged out as she observed her surroundings. It was a large living room with couches, one of which she was on, a television, and a kitchen in the distance. Her cuffs were gone as she noticed when pulling her hands to her face. He was monologing which gave her an opening.

As soon as her muscles began to tense up, she felt herself begin to relax, becoming dizzy and weak. Her heart-rate was decreasing. With the weakness still affecting her, Rynk searched herself and found a tight collar around her neck.

“I use that for all of them.” He told her.

“You’re sick.” She hissed.

“You talk. Good. How many voices can you do?”

“I don’t have Banshee powers.” She snarled back, becoming weaker the more hostile her tone became. “Get…this off’a…g….”

“If you pass out too much you’ll get brain-damage. Just relax.”

“While you do…whatever you want, right?”

“I’m not like that.” He defended in a hurt tone. “Besides you aren’t old enough for anything like that.”

“Oh, so you aren’t a pedo rapist slaver, you’re just a rapist slaver. Much better.”

“You’ll have five or so years to realize how much better. I’ve never had a Hellborn employee before.”

“You don’t have one now.”

“Then would you prefer to be called a servant? You won’t want to be called a slave, that much is obvious.”

“I’d rather peel off your fingers and scratch them against this choker till they’ve sawed it off.”

“You’ve got a creative mind, that is for sure.” He noted, still calm. “I’ll ask again for your name.”

“As if I would tell you.”

“Then from henceforth you are referred… Moon-cat.”

Rynk gave the man an unimpressed stare. “… That took you a while to think up, didn’t it?” She moved her hands up in a banner-motion. “Coming to a theater near you; the most unoriginal slave name since slave-girl; MOON CAT.”

“A sense a humor too… perhaps you were worth all I spent.”

“You aren’t giving me that name.” Rynk glared.

“And why not?” The man asked, being very amused by the lynx’s attitude.

“Because when I tear out your vocals and break off your jaw, the message you write when they asked who tore this to the ground isn’t going to be ‘Moon-Cat’.”

“… Hm… Maybe I could have you read poetry… or be a story-teller. That would be a first.”

“What makes you think I’ll just BREAK, huh?”

“… How old are you?” He asked. “Fourteen? Thirteen? Young teenagers are nothing if not breakable. Employees that actually show respect to me and obey are rewarded when they come of age. They have their own rooms, phones, toys, even their own slaves. They never have to dance, or do anything uncomfortable… maybe if you get a taste of it you’ll reconsider your mindset.”

“… Why can’t any of you people leave me alone?” She growled lowly. “WHY CAN’T I JUST BE… left… a…”

“You’ll get used to it.” The echidna turned towards a hallway. “Parl! Tella!” He called out. From the hall came two different mobians. One was a tall male lizard, masculine, with long white hair. The other was a female sheep, also with long white hair, and smoothed out fur which Rynk found to be extremely strange-looking. They both wore suit-like apparels of the color red and white, and stood silently after entering.

“This,” The echidna pointed to Rynk, “is yours.” The two nodded to the slave-owner and began moving towards Rynk. The echidna gave a cautioning stare to the young lynx, telling her to behave. He easily realized this was not going to be the case. Rynk’s eyes were wide with fury as she darted her head back and forth between the echidna, and the slaves; daring anyone to touch her.

“If you don’t go along I can just have your nervous system hijacked, sending surges of pain through you.” The echidna produced a rectangular brick with a dial on one end, and an antenna at the top. Rynk turned to him with a smirk, pausing just long enough for him to move the controller in her range.

“You have no idea…” She almost chuckled in a whisper before snatching the controller and cranking it to full. Immediately her body began contorting in spasms, but her expression remained as pleased with herself as ever. The echidna tried to grab hold of controller but Rynk pounced upward, slamming her toe-claws into the ceiling above. “I had-d a feeling,” She noted, becoming more in control of her body, “this would be linked to the sa-a-ame thing controlling my heart-rate.”

The lynx did not waste time. She leapt at the echidna, aiming for whatever vital organ she could grab at. Unfortunately one of the slaves rammed her, sending the crazed-lynx slamming into the ground. She still had the controller in her hand which she tried to raise up but before she could a blade was slammed through her palm and into the floor.

The echidna walked over to Rynk, looking a bit pleased with himself. “How does having all of that pain multiplied feel?”

Rynk just shook her still spasming head, chuckling. “My hands ca-a-an’t feel anything, e, ‘echidna-a.” She yanked her hand through the knife, and clawed up at the throat of the male slave, who nearly got cut but was pulled back by the female. The lynx-girl was about to continue her assault but the slaves held her down by her legs and arms.

She screamed and roared and hissed, yanking and pulling and chomping at the air, trying anything to get free, but it was not going to happen. The echidna took the controller and turned it off. Immediately the pain of having her nerves un-sizzled went through, along with a massive hear-burn. With a final scream, this one being much more in pain and much louder, the valiant lynx-girl passed out.

“Master Emit, are you sure it’s safe to have her under our watch?” The female asked.

“With the proper adjustments, yes.” The echidna replied. “Perhaps some hypnosis if mandatory.”
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Source: RainbowXSkittle
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Source: me
added by Tooootie
Source: Art is mine characters belong to Tak and Samantha
added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
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Source: me and supersonicfan1
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added by SaraTheDog
Source: Me and mah new sketch book c:
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Characters سے طرف کی Rawr, art سے طرف کی me.