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posted by TakTheFox
Name: TakTheFox یا Trisell mark two یا Time(Chronos) Zonac hero یا grey server
Age: Ageless. Apparent age is 18
Gender: Male
Species: time Fox
Skills: A. Dark Chaos abilities
1.     Speed
2.    absorbing energy/life force
3.    teleportation
4.    Chaos control powers
B. Light Chaos
1.    Strength
2.    invulnerability(to a certain extent)
3.    flight(more like hovering)
4.    Chaos control powers
C. Time
1.    Time break(freeze time)
2.    Time acceleration یا slowing
3.    memory scanner(See attack moves)
4.    never forgets anything
Height: 4,6
Length: 1 3/4
Likes: Witt, running, poetry(wait what? okay…moving on), music, art, thinking, organizing, fighting, dramatic appearances, tinkering with whatever, and cool views
Dislikes: Not having a witty comeback, going blank, being insulted, having to team up with people he knows to be bad, drama(wait, how is that possible?), People who are full of themselves, bad memories that he can’t forget, heavy metal “music”, and failing
Family: Midnight the rabbit (kind of. She’s his partner)
Friends: Nicole the lynx(love life), Starcher the Fox(Best bud one), Luner the Echidna(Best bud two), Blaze the Cat(casual acquaintance), Trix the Cat(partner/love life of best bud one), and Professor Gerald Robotnick(?)
Enemies: Dr. Finetivus, The Iron Dominion, Li-enda of the Dark Legion, Kragock of the Dark legion, Fiona لومڑی (who he punches every time he see her), Virus the lynx, Dark the Fox, Rouge the Bat(same as Fiona, only three times), Snively Robotnick, Possibly Shadow the Hedgehog, and pretty much anyone else who is mean to Nicole(Not like Ash’s hot-headedness about Mina)
Attack moves: A. Dark Chaos
1.    Chaos Spears (drains energy) Energy blast he shoots at enemies
2.    Speed super cell(tornado) Tak runs in a دائرے, حلقہ extremely fast, then absorbs the energy from the captives
3.    Teleportation surge. Tak Teleports in four spots around his enemies quickly, then while still teleporting, four teleporting Tak projections مککا, عجیب الخلقت enemies
4.    Absorbtion Tak shoots a dark mass at enemies holding them down while he absorbs whatever element they have. If he doesn’t control that element یا have an item from that element he is not able to absorb it, but he can still drain the subject.
B. Light Chaos
1.    Power مککا, عجیب الخلقت Tak jumps high in the air while charging chaos energy in one hand, then punches into the ground, causing a giant earthquake.
2.    Hover spin-dash While hovering, Tak will spin over and over very quickly then charge at an enemy.
3.    Chaos Spears(Damages Enemies if they’re still conscious) Energy blast he shoots at enemies.
4.    Throwing large objects at enemies(YAY)
C. Time force
1.    Time break Tak freezes time
2.    acceleration Tak speed up time, while in a chaos force-field
3.    Memory Scanner Tak absorbs a characters DNA then can sense where they have been and what they have done
4.    Chaos BLAST Tak uses The Chaos Force(both light and dark), and the Time force to do an extreme energy blast that both damages enemies, and keeps them stopped in time for five minutes
5.    Sword play Tak attacks enemies with time sword
6.    super chaos spears(big ouch)
7.    Reverse Tak can reverse wounds on him یا others
8.    Time travel
Items/weapons: Dark and light inhibitor rings, Time بیلٹ, پٹی (increases abilities), and Time sword(time force Tak only. Can cause damage to enemies and reverse a whole area of damage)
Semi super: Forms: Dark force Tak(form unlocking dark chaos powers), Light force Tak(form unlocking light chaos powers), Time force Tak(unlocking all powers from Dark, Light, and Time)
Super Forms: Turbo Tak(enhanced Chaos Powers and size((no cape)) increased strength and speed), Hyper Tak(Enhanced Speed to maximum level, and tripled life force power, along with doubled chaos powers) Chronos Tak یا Chronos یا time Tak(tripled chaos powers, and complete control over time, along with the power of creation), Unknown form(only known fact is no restrictions)
Personality: Kinda serious, but witty. Tak is loyal, and friendly to most. He is usually upset when beaten, یا insulted, and will definitely fight back. If there is someone he doesn’t like, he will try to not kill them (if possible), but it’s hard. He believe that there is always a chance, and never gives up.
Appearances: “His world”(Tak story), Viva la vida (Not yet written), Open your heart(not yet written), Slow fade/inner journey/derrezzed(not yet written), Just a little faster(not yet written), Knight of the wind(not yet written), Matt and Tak mini(Mini story in production), and whatever comes next(not yet written HAHA).