The Tomb Raider sequel has been through quite a few changes since first being announced, and سٹار, ستارہ Alicia Vikander has now explained where things currently stand with the movie. Read on for details...
Includes trivia, pictures, لنکس and merchandise.
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Ms. Vikander, how often do آپ cry watching movies? Put me in front of Extreme ہوم Make Over and I’ll probably cry. (Laughs)
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Cool costume سہارا used سے طرف کی Alicia Vikander in the 2018 Tomb Raider movie reboot
French page about Alicia Vikander with bio and لنکس
"Alicia Vikander brings tremendous depth and vulnerability to this character, which is every bit as important as Lara Croft’s fierce strength, determination, and physicality."
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Alicia Vikander telefoneert naar enkele random inwoners وین Zweden met o.a een vraag کدال, hoe ze Alicia Vikander zou kunnen kontakteren (in perfekt Engels)
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1 fan
Sony’s rebooting the Lisbeth Salander franchise as Steven Knight prepares to adapt “The Girl in the Spider’s Web”
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