Unique collectorsitem from Royal Mint of Belgium (Anniversary Audrey 4 may 1929) Only 1000 !! pieces worldwide - Good luck to order : link
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I am a یونیورسٹی lecturer writing a book on Audrey's continued influence on modern life. I would love to hear your گیا پڑھا مرتبہ on why Audrey is important to you. Please get in touch with me at millerj@hope.ac.uk
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It's quite a while پہلے but I actually did something special. Haha. I went to Arnhem and had breakfast in front of the house where Audrey used to live during the سیکنڈ world war. It was an amazing but very awkward experience. It's like her spirit is still there.پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
ارے everyone! please, like this page link then, like this Audrey Hepburn pic! link if I win, i'll have a paint of this pic! *0* please!! like & share!!
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"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that آپ are never alone." -Audrey Hepburn
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To a fellow Audrey fan: I have made a new club called Audrey Hepburn as Eliza Doolittle. If آپ have any pictures to post یا would like to شامل میں I would greatly appreciate it!
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So working on first college research paper because I'm writing it on audrey hepburn because I was named after her =D and I've noticed a lot of authors write untrue facts about her and it makes me mad. So for anyone who's listening, if آپ ever want to read about audrey pick up these two books: Audrey Hepburn: An Elegant Spirit سے طرف کی Sean Ferrer Hepburn (her son) & Audrey Hepburn سے طرف کی Barry Paris (closest friend of Audrey's). Hope this helps someone out there =)! Happy Reading!!!!!
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