Beast Club
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added by Beast72
added by peteandco
posted by Takuya
The Beast is my پسندیدہ male disney character so it only seems right that i write about him.

The Beast is one of disney´s most interesting and unique characters because he has no counterpart in reality یا in myth یا legends he is a completly new creation of the Walt Disney company.

Glen Keane wanted a design that looked like it could exist on earth but it should be something that آپ have never seen before, so he combined traits from different animals and got a very cool and intresting design.
Glen Keane describes the Beast as "a twenty-one-year-old guy who's insecure, wants to be...
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added by peteandco
added by peteandco
The Beast is a very complex character.
He goes through so many changes in his life and to me they are very belivable and here I will discuss why.

First his childhood:
Not much is know of his life before the enchantment except that he was like the prolouge says "Spoiled, Selfish and unkind" but that is all I need, I belive that he got the position of master at an early age and that made him that way.
I quess his parents died sometime before the story and that gave him too much power for a child and it gave him the character flaws that the Enchantress cursed him for.

Next his Teen years:
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added by hornean
added by peteandco
added by shiriny
added by angieandadam
added by angieandadam
added by animuluvr12
Source: House Of ماؤس Frenzy Kïtchen Pack The House 4
added by Beast72
added by Beast72
added by Beast72
added by angieandadam
added by peteandco
added by Sophia_F25
added by cruella
Source: not mine
added by peteandco