Being a Woman Men Vs.Women

lolxx posted on Mar 16, 2008 at 02:02PM
we've all heard of femist I myself would consiter myself one but how many women out there are extreme thinkers of this idea that men oppress women in everything we do and they want to bind us by marriage does romance with men and women die with marraige and how many of us would dissmiss the idea of being in a relationship with a man Id love to hear everyone's throughs plz
BTW sorri 4 any spelling mistakes I hope it makes sense to you all

Being a Woman 7 جوابات

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پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Frizzhead said…
i dont think they supress us in every way but i think we are disrespected and seen as bodies if you look at the being a man spot that is a perfect example...and i know the saying there boys but i hate how they are given excuses like that....
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک DavidJS23 said…
1st of all whoever made the being a man spot has no absolutely no idea what it really means to be a man. and its true that girls are not respected enough but its also true girls who are being disrespected tend to not stand up for themselves. im a guy btw but i wanted to put my perspective in on the subject.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Frizzhead said…
I have tried to say whats on my mind about these things but then idiots start making disgusting remarks ...ignorance cant be reasoned with...and saying its our fault that low lives do that is quite aggravating...
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Lunalovely said…
Some people call me crazy, but i don't even think im going to marry in the future. Like I need a man to make my life happy!Please I'm glad to be the only 13 year old to not yet dated, whats the point anyway? in a couple of days your tired of him
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Kayleigh45 said…
This is the reason i am divorced men do not give women the respect we deserve
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ivoryphills said…
@David I know you probably won't see this, but you had a pretty nice input there! Thanks for providing some respectful male voice (usually, a woman's spot would get the nasty comment from degenerate lowlives).

To the poster: I'm Feminist myself, and I don't believe that all M/F relationships are trouble waiting to come. It's just the ones that make loving romantic relationships like dating and romance a hierarchy (Male dominance/Female submission or Female dominance/ Male submission) ruined. Even if the marriages or relationships last, it's most likely sustained through implanted fear or the inability to find someone better, meaning love is definitely lacking. (It's kinda like many marriages in Middle Eastern countries, where women are beaten to submission or conditioned to be submissive from birth to become "suitable wives.")

@Lunalovely As much as I agree with your sentiment on not depending on men for happiness, your post mostly read off as a sort of male objectification and misandry, especially the bit "in a couple of days your tired of him". A woman can realize that she doesn't have to depend on men without going belligerent on the male gender.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک FassMackee said…
like I SAID sisters, they would all be taking it up the bum, let know it!!!! No respect, no Vagina!!! Lets not backslide, you back slide these little boys will walk all over you. YOU WANT THAT????? READ WHAT FIZZHEAD HAD TO SAY. AND DON>T BACK DOWN. RISE MY BEAUTIFUL SISTERS RISE!!!!!