In my opinion, I think Justin Bieber is one of the hottest people in the world. People think oh he went to jail he turned his life around and he still is. He has changed my life I love his موسیقی I love him so much and ok Mabie he is having complications with his marriage ok so every marriage isn't perfect. Especially from the beginning of the marriage. Honestly, I hope one دن to meet him. I know I am not his biggest پرستار but I want to be. He has inspired me so much. I know people should stop treating آپ this way, Justin. آپ deserve every good thing آپ have gotten and will get.
Hi everyone. I am The founder of this club for Justin bieber. I just updated some stuff on here. its been a while since on here because Ive been busy doing stuff. I promise to add مزید up-to-date pictures of Justin bieber. if u have any suggestions to what مزید I should add to this page please باکس ان me. just want to say thank آپ so much for being a پرستار of my page. I hope everyone keeps adding pictures and ویڈیوز to my page. Enjoy being a BELIEBERS forever... :)
~Tianna (founder of the page)
~Tianna (founder of the page)

By,Tiannabielieber (Tianna)

Justin at a young
All his songs is always about love,well not any مزید his songs are now about parties and so on.
This song is all about a party and Justin knows whatever he parties tonight he knows he is going to be alright.
Lets hope that he can live his life like he wants to and that no one will keep him from it.
And who are we to judge him what he does, he won't let anyone take adfantige of him.
I'm really happy that all his songs are not Love Songs anymore. . Who is with me ? ?

Justin is a big boy know
I love justin bieber !
Who doesn't ?
Haters hate cause he is better than them.
ارے I think I have he's number!
It's 404 665 3410!
Don't hate me if it's wrong .
So tell me are u a tru bieber پرستار یا not?
Think about it .
Do u like him یا his موسیقی ?
Don't lie to urself!
I luv his موسیقی and him!
Drugs were a silly mistake!
We all make mistakes!
Tell me something here!
Who likes nathan Skye's from the wanted be honest
If u do its ur opinion
I luv him 2 infinity && beyond😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
JUSTIN BIEBER😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Who doesn't ?
Haters hate cause he is better than them.
ارے I think I have he's number!
It's 404 665 3410!
Don't hate me if it's wrong .
So tell me are u a tru bieber پرستار یا not?
Think about it .
Do u like him یا his موسیقی ?
Don't lie to urself!
I luv his موسیقی and him!
Drugs were a silly mistake!
We all make mistakes!
Tell me something here!
Who likes nathan Skye's from the wanted be honest
If u do its ur opinion
I luv him 2 infinity && beyond😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
JUSTIN BIEBER😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Justin Bieber is coming to Vancouver Wednesday 10 October 2012 @ 7:00 PM Rogers Arena.
We're looking for JB's biggest fans. Send تصاویر to our myspace یا facebook .
Send us a تصویر of آپ being a پرستار and we'll post them on our myspace and facebook page!!
Than آپ have people leave تبصرے of your تصویر and the one with the most will win! That's what آپ win, being in the spotlight as the biggest fan! We’ll also give آپ a copy of his new cd “Believe”.
آپ must be a myspace friend, twitter follower یا like our پرستار page on facebook.

New Song!! "Lost In The Crowd" just released. Its soooo good. Brooke Webb is singing on it too!!!
There's a link for آپ to click, یا copy یا whatevs. آپ can تلاش "Justin Bieber's Song" in iTunes for a preview. Download it so it will go up the charts!!!!! Go Beliebers everywhere - GO!! :)
Her manager tweeted that there is a موسیقی video that شائقین can be in so I tweeted back!! Gonna be in the video because they are accepting YouTube submissions of شائقین to put in video. SOO cool! I wanna be famous -haha!!
There's a link for آپ to click, یا copy یا whatevs. آپ can تلاش "Justin Bieber's Song" in iTunes for a preview. Download it so it will go up the charts!!!!! Go Beliebers everywhere - GO!! :)
Her manager tweeted that there is a موسیقی video that شائقین can be in so I tweeted back!! Gonna be in the video because they are accepting YouTube submissions of شائقین to put in video. SOO cool! I wanna be famous -haha!!
Making Justin Bieber love stories on YouTube and on like Facebook pages and stuff and i thought it'd be cool to share mine when I get the chance so ya be lookin for it thanks bye.
The عنوان has NOT yet been chosen for the story, but there's so many to choose from I'm not sure which one I want to use. so i'm just going to call it a no-namer, lol.
It stars so many characters that I can hardly keep up with my own story and it's a really weird story ill just say that lol. but i know that youll like it if ur a weird one lol. just kidding. plz be lookin for it thanks bye!!
The عنوان has NOT yet been chosen for the story, but there's so many to choose from I'm not sure which one I want to use. so i'm just going to call it a no-namer, lol.
It stars so many characters that I can hardly keep up with my own story and it's a really weird story ill just say that lol. but i know that youll like it if ur a weird one lol. just kidding. plz be lookin for it thanks bye!!

CREDIT 4 THE PIC GOES 2 SellyBiebz4Eva