Castiel Girls Club
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posted by iceprincess7492
"I'm the one who gripped آپ tight and raised آپ from Perdition." (4x01)

"You should دکھائیں me some respect. I dragged آپ out of hell. I can throw آپ back in." (4x02)

"Uriel's the funniest angel in the garrison. Ask anyone." (4x16)

"Do آپ think the armies of heaven have nothing better to do but follow آپ around?" (4x22)

(Into cell phone) "This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!" (5x04)

"I shouldn't be here, this is a ماند, خلوت خانہ of iniquity!" (5x03)

Castiel's Voicemail Machine: "I... I don't understand... Why do آپ want me to say my name?" (5x16)

"Hey, Ass-Butt!" (5x22)

"I suggest...
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posted by Harrypotter148
 I Love This Picture!
I Love This Picture!
Castiel, the only angel In heaved who it not a total dick. He had faith in God when know one else did. He Had faith in the Winchester brothers and he protects them like family. Sam and Dean are his Best friends, no matter what anyone says. The fact the he went into hell and grabbed Dean out, Makes him awesome. And His hand print left on Deans shoulder is Epic!!

He fully Rebelled ageist heaven because he believed in what he was fighting for. His determination to find God was amazing, He is an example of a true angel! What truly makes him Kick پچھواڑے, گدا his he killed his own brothers
1. they were being...
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