I will post the سب, سب سے اوپر 10 most handsome animated male characters in the اگلے days. So why am I doing an honorable mentions list? Because I love it!!! Some of them are fit and so underrated. The 10 male characters who did not make the سب, سب سے اوپر 10 most handsome. Some were so close to making it so consider this a سب, سب سے اوپر 10 فہرست even if they're in the سب, سب سے اوپر 20. I think they deserve some love so here goes, voted سے طرف کی آپ guys...

10. Adam/Beast (Beauty & the Beast)

9. Mako (The Legend of Korra)

8. David (Lilo & Stitch)

7. Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

6. Sinbad (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas)

5. Tulio (The Road to El Dorado)

4. Dean (The Iron Giant)

3. Tarzan (Tarzan)

2. Hercules (Hercules)

1. Shang (Mulan)

I was hoping a Goofy Movie song would make it on the list somewhere.