I lift Your Head- Our Eyes Meet
I Stare Into Those Auburn Eyes,
The Auburn Eyes Know What Comes Next...
And That Is The Long Awaited Good Bye
But With My Hands Shaking,
Anxious Auburn Eyes Awaiting
Every Part Of This Is What I've Been Dreading,
Yet Everything Up To This Moment Is Where We've Been Heading,
I Want To Tell آپ These Things,
I Wish To Sing To آپ About These Things!
These Things I Feel When آپ Are Near,
And Then Right Then- Right There I Realize My Greatest Fear...
That Is If Those Auburn Eyes Leave,
Leave Me Here.
nobody understands love,
nobody really believes.
آپ can't put a price on the way people make آپ feel,
but آپ can always say:
i love you
but what does it really mean?
those three small words?
to many people it's just
i care about you
isn't that easier to say
than make someone believe
you'll always be there for them
that they are the sun, the moon, the stars
that they will be the person that آپ want to be the last person to see before آپ die?
is it so hard to NOT make someone believe
that آپ will always be there for them
that آپ will be the one that they need
for life
for eternity
اگلے time آپ say
i love you
mean it
because if آپ don't
your just hurting yourself
and the person that آپ say it to
nobody really believes.
آپ can't put a price on the way people make آپ feel,
but آپ can always say:
i love you
but what does it really mean?
those three small words?
to many people it's just
i care about you
isn't that easier to say
than make someone believe
you'll always be there for them
that they are the sun, the moon, the stars
that they will be the person that آپ want to be the last person to see before آپ die?
is it so hard to NOT make someone believe
that آپ will always be there for them
that آپ will be the one that they need
for life
for eternity
اگلے time آپ say
i love you
mean it
because if آپ don't
your just hurting yourself
and the person that آپ say it to
I look out my window the rains pouring down
I can't seem to turn this frown upside down
آپ moved far out of town
Now I have no one around
I used to love آپ
Sadly آپ don't love me too
Pain and agony runs through me
So much آپ can see
But not you, آپ only look for my happiness
but I'm out and in distress
آپ want the green fresh from the press
I just want to be better than the rest
Attention is what I want
But all آپ give is a load of taunt
Are آپ ready for love
Not really, so I'll get a dove
A dove's the bird of passion and feelings
But آپ left me to rot like a banana's peelings
Sweet lover, I miss آپ
Do آپ miss me too?
Sweet Lover, give me your all
Don't let it fall
Give me a call
I get nothing at all
Sweet love, Goodbye
I will love آپ always *sigh*
Your Sweet Lover
I can't seem to turn this frown upside down
آپ moved far out of town
Now I have no one around
I used to love آپ
Sadly آپ don't love me too
Pain and agony runs through me
So much آپ can see
But not you, آپ only look for my happiness
but I'm out and in distress
آپ want the green fresh from the press
I just want to be better than the rest
Attention is what I want
But all آپ give is a load of taunt
Are آپ ready for love
Not really, so I'll get a dove
A dove's the bird of passion and feelings
But آپ left me to rot like a banana's peelings
Sweet lover, I miss آپ
Do آپ miss me too?
Sweet Lover, give me your all
Don't let it fall
Give me a call
I get nothing at all
Sweet love, Goodbye
I will love آپ always *sigh*
Your Sweet Lover
It’s sweet, the way آپ think.
The way آپ dream, the way آپ look into my eyes, asking me
To be everything you’re dreaming up.
آپ want me to be who I don’t trust myself to be.
I don’t trust myself
With you.
it’s مزید than I can give;
مزید than I can take.
you’re everything I wish I was
And that’s what آپ don’t see.
I don’t want to crush
Your ideas.
Don’t want to بادل your perfect vision
Of what love is.
I don’t want to make a mess of you,
The way I have with myself.
آپ want me to make آپ
But it’s not that easy
I just discovered this spot. Here's my first shot - a little poem I wrote a few days ago. If آپ like this I have مزید in store.
...why do I rhyme when I don't mean to? Haha.
Inspired سے طرف کی Erin McCarley's "It's Not That Easy"
The way آپ dream, the way آپ look into my eyes, asking me
To be everything you’re dreaming up.
آپ want me to be who I don’t trust myself to be.
I don’t trust myself
With you.
it’s مزید than I can give;
مزید than I can take.
you’re everything I wish I was
And that’s what آپ don’t see.
I don’t want to crush
Your ideas.
Don’t want to بادل your perfect vision
Of what love is.
I don’t want to make a mess of you,
The way I have with myself.
آپ want me to make آپ
But it’s not that easy
I just discovered this spot. Here's my first shot - a little poem I wrote a few days ago. If آپ like this I have مزید in store.
...why do I rhyme when I don't mean to? Haha.
Inspired سے طرف کی Erin McCarley's "It's Not That Easy"
My دل has been punctured
It has never been broken
I’ve been filled with heartache
But that was unspoken
I’m always lonely
But I’m never alone
I live in a house
But my mind is my home
I’m not dead
But I’m not always alive
You’ve never been me
So آپ think I’ll survive
I’m always so happy
Yet I’m always so sad
I’m always so calm
Yet I always feel mad
Maybe I’m normal
And maybe I’m sane
But I’m not feeling right
I don’t feel the same... <3 <3 <3
It has never been broken
I’ve been filled with heartache
But that was unspoken
I’m always lonely
But I’m never alone
I live in a house
But my mind is my home
I’m not dead
But I’m not always alive
You’ve never been me
So آپ think I’ll survive
I’m always so happy
Yet I’m always so sad
I’m always so calm
Yet I always feel mad
Maybe I’m normal
And maybe I’m sane
But I’m not feeling right
I don’t feel the same... <3 <3 <3