Disney Leading Ladies Club
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 Image credit goes to pupazzoso on deviantART
Image credit goes to pupazzoso on deviantART
JUST MISSED THE CUT: Ariel and Alice

5. Pocahontas

I like Pocahontas a lot مزید than I used to, I used to think she was too serious, but my opinion of her has totally changed since then. I don't think she's too serious anymore, in fact, she doesn't like Kocoum because she thinks he's too serious. She has a sense of fun and rebelliousness that makes me really like her.
 What I love most about rivers is آپ can't step in the same river twice
What I love most about rivers is آپ can't step in the same river twice

4. Jessica Rabbit

Some may not consider her Disney, but I do. I think Jessica is really cool. She's very mature and feminine, and...
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10. Megara: Hercules. My least favorite. She's sarcastic and sassy.
9. Pocahontas: Pocahontas. Almost like a face of a godess. She had to make my سب, سب سے اوپر ten.
8. Ariel: A Little Mermaid. Adventurous, beautiful and romantic.
7. Alice: Alice in Wonderland. I loved this movie as child and still do.
6. Rapunzel: Tangled. Perfect heroine and excellent movie. Rapunzel is great.
5. Tiana: Princess and the Frog. Hardworking, lovely and a good singer. she had make the list.
4. Snow White: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. With skin like snow and red, red lips, she is a lovely heroine in a excellent movie.
3. Jasmine: Aladdin. My third پسندیدہ disney princess and excellent heroine.
2. Belle: Beauty and the Beast. This bookworm longs for adventure. Belle reminds me of myself.
1. Esmeralda: Hunchback of Notre Dame. I love Esmeralda. Caring, Beautiful, excellent dancer and great heroine. She has to be number 1
Okay so on the disney princess پرستار club everyone seems to be making فہرست of their opinions on the prettiest princesses so I thought I would give some credit to those disney heroines who are not official disney princesses some of them are technicly princesses but not official ones because either their movie wasn't مقبول enough یا they didn't have the right qualities to be an official disney princess and Giselle and Tinkerbell are not on here because Giselle's movie was a live action movie so it doesn't count and Tinkerbell didn't become a heroine until her computer animated فلمیں and I don't like to mix hand drawn اندازی حرکت and computer اندازی حرکت together other wise Tinkerbell would be my number one Penny's not here either since she's not a heroine and I might make an مضمون of the most beautiful disney princesses maybe enjoy
 10.Lilo she's someone not atlot of people think much about in the looks depardment but she's beautiful and she stands out in personality and looks she's so natural and like Belle she's the beauty that tamed a beast
10.Lilo she's someone not atlot of people think much about in the looks depardment but she's beautiful and she stands out in personality and looks she's so natural and like Belle she's the beauty that tamed a beast
 9.Jenny she's very beautiful a girl who needs a friend she she looks like like Ariel her outfit looks like Ariel's blue dress her گلابی PJ's look like Ariel's nightgown anyway she's just absoutly beautiful
9.Jenny she's very beautiful a girl who needs a friend she she looks like like Ariel her outfit looks like Ariel's blue dress her pink PJ's look like Ariel's nightgown anyway she's just absoutly beautiful
 8.Shanti she used her girlish charms to get Mowgli to come to the village and she's the only girl in the whole movie she is beautiful
8.Shanti she used her girlish charms to get Mowgli to come to the village and she's the only girl in the whole movie she is beautiful
 7.Wendy the beauty that got the mermaids at the mermaid lagoon jealous of her she won the دل of a boy who never grows up
7.Wendy the beauty that got the mermaids at the mermaid lagoon jealous of her she won the heart of a boy who never grows up
 6.Alice the beauty of wonderland thow there's not very many beauties in wonderland so she's the fairest in wonderland I bet her sister is jealous of her beauty
6.Alice the beauty of wonderland thow there's not very many beauties in wonderland so she's the fairest in wonderland I bet her sister is jealous of her beauty
 5.Eilonwy I know a real shocker but she's so pretty and is my پسندیدہ child heroine so's so underrated even though her film is awsome she's truely beautiful
5.Eilonwy I know a real shocker but she's so pretty and is my favorite child heroine so's so underrated even though her film is awsome she's truely beautiful
 4.Kida she's stunning especually in this picture she has such beautiful eyes beautiful white hair nice tan skin and very sexy
4.Kida she's stunning especually in this picture she has such beautiful eyes beautiful white hair nice tan skin and very sexy
 3.Meg she's so stunning espesually in this picture and she's gorgeous despite being so thin though she's gorgeous there are two prettier than her
3.Meg she's so stunning espesually in this picture and she's gorgeous despite being so thin though she's gorgeous there are two prettier than her
 2.Jane she's so underrated when it comes to beauty some people think Meg is prettier but she's not Jane found a way to put hot sexy class beauty and jungle together
2.Jane she's so underrated when it comes to beauty some people think Meg is prettier but she's not Jane found a way to put hot sexy class beauty and jungle together
 1.Esmerelda she's definatly the most gorgeous of all the disney non-princesses with her gorgeous green eye nice dark skin and the sun even knows she's gorgeous because it keeps getting kot in her raven hair
1.Esmerelda she's definatly the most gorgeous of all the disney non-princesses with her gorgeous green eye nice dark skin and the sun even knows she's gorgeous because it keeps getting kot in her raven hair
My first مضمون here so I decided to start with my پسندیدہ leading ladies!

10. Alice (Alice in Wonderland):

I love Alice, first of all I love her curiosity and her fantasy over that there's another world where everything is upside down, but that she also gets annoyed سے طرف کی all the mad people she meets in Wonderland.

9. Jane (Tarzan):

This is the most hilarious Disney Leading Lady in my opinion, she's incredibly funny, but also interested in learning about the jungle and she has a very interesting personality.

8. Lady (Lady and the Tramp):

If I ever buy a dog I want the dog to be...
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#10. Kida(Atlantis:The Lost Empire)
She's so cool and though I've only seen her movie about three times,it is kind of underrated. Ever since I first saw the movie,Kida was my پسندیدہ character(though Milo is a cool character,too,and he's cute). I've always thought she was very cool and she's beautiful,too. I love how she's so curious when meeting Milo and how adventurous she is.

#9. Mulan
A beautiful Asian heroine who kicks butt. I've always admired how she became the hero of all China. First she tries to be the perfect bride to honor her family but then she ends up honoring them anyway...
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posted by tangledfan
Someday my prince will come
Someday we’ll meet again
And away to his قلعہ we’ll go
To be happy forever, I know
Someday, when spring is here
We’ll find a love anew
And the birds will sing
And wedding bells will ring
And my dream
Is a wish your دل makes
When you’re fast asleep
In dreams آپ will lose your heartaches
Whatever آپ wish for, آپ keep
Have faith in your dreams, and someday
Your قوس قزح will come smiling through
No matter how your دل is grieving
If آپ keep on believing
The dream that آپ wish will come true…
I know آپ
I walked with آپ once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your...
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Ok here is my سب, سب سے اوپر 10 favourite leading ladies.

10.Snow White:sweet and childlike,Snow White is my least favourite as I find her too sickly sweet.She lives with her evil stepmother who wants her dead.

9.Pocahuntas:From Virgina Pocahuntas falls in love with a handsome english sailor from England named John Smith.I personally like her brave personailty.

8.Cinderella:I like Cinderella as she is lot like me a hardworking and a hopeless romantic.

7.Belle: I love this charcther so much because she treats the beast like a human being(well he is one but she doesn't know yet)and she is not afraid to stand...
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 Here's some pinup Disney ladies... Yes, this is the best I could find. Stfu.
Here's some pinup Disney ladies... Yes, this is the best I could find. Stfu.
I, for one, am much too lazy to go into detail about every single one of them and you'd all soon get irritated with my bitching about the ones at the bottom. So I thought I'd do آپ a favour and just give آپ my سب, سب سے اوپر ten.
Yes, I swear. آپ can moan about it as much as آپ fucking want to, but I'm not going to stop doing it.
I'm also used to a bit of controversy. So if آپ don't like this, then sucks to be you. On with the countdown!

10) Cinderella
 Please take note: This dress is SILVER. Kthx.
Please take note: This dress is SILVER. Kthx.

I don't actually know how she managed to get on here, but whatever. It's not that I dislike her, but...
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Frozen سب, سب سے اوپر 5: 1. Elsa
5. Hans: Evil, awful, 2. Anna
and he tries to kill Elsa. 3. Olaf
4. Kristoff and Sven: 4. Kristoff and Sven
Kristoff is kind and 5. Hans
loving ( especially
to reindeer) and
he is Anna's
3. Olaf: A friendly,
talkative snowman created
سے طرف کی Elsa.
2. Anna: Elsa's sister and a
fearless optimist.
1. Elsa:
The main character.
A misunderstood queen
with powers to make ice
and snow.
Here is a very short مضمون about my three پسندیدہ Disney ladies, I will try to make it as long as I can.
I will try to explain my reasons for placing these three ladies as my favorites.

At a very strong third place we have the Brittish young lady Jane Porter.
She has taken the third place سے طرف کی being a very funny character and for the fact that she is a total misfit in the jungle and even so she decides to stay there.
I like her romance with Tarzan because it feels really natrual to me, it takes a little time and she is very confused over what to do about it.
Her personality and her looks...
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 With love, BelleAmie :) <3 x
With love, BelleAmie :) <3 x
First مضمون ever. Yay! Please تبصرہ and I hope آپ enjoy the pics I made :)

Let it begin...

10. Aurora- Sleeping Beauty
Aurora was so iconic in my childhood. I had two of her costumes and I wore them every دن after school. I loved her idea of her romance- and still do. Even though some people find her boring, weak and a "Mary-Sue"- I can't say I disagree with that now. Nevertheless, it still is a masterpiece and one of the gems in the Walt Disney company.
 "Everything's so wonderful..."
"Everything's so wonderful..."

9. Tiana- Princess and the Frog
I was like 10 when the movie was released so it wasn't really...
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 I will never be yours,you creature
I will never be yours,you creature
Here is a فہرست of my favourite heroines from فلمیں that I love.

#10 Odette(Swan Princess)

At no 10 is Odette from The سوان, ہنس Princess. What I like about Odette is that she is so beautiful and so sweet. In the beginning of the movie she starts off very nerdy and then she becomes a beauty. She gets transformed into a سوان, ہنس سے طرف کی a warlock who wants her for himself. The reason why I added her at no 10 is because she never saved her mans life at all ,in fact its Derek who saves her from Rothbart.

#9 Fiona (Shrek)

Fiona is from Far Far Away and she is the princess in the Shrek trilogy. She is the love interest...
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