Dr. Lawrence Kutner Club
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added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی (screencaps: nekocat)
added by StarWanderer
added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی / edited سے طرف کی me
added by Olivine
Source: facebook
added by angiii7
added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی (screencaps: nekocat)
added by angiii7
added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی (screencaps:insanelydedicated)
added by StarWanderer
house md
dr lawrence kutner
season 5 episode 18
here kitty
dr gregory house
dr remy hadley
This fic is not intended to be Thutner. It's universal

This fic also contains major spoilers about Simple Explanation, though I'm guessing that even if آپ haven't seen it, آپ probably know what happened سے طرف کی now, because this secret isn't' being kept very well.

A letter to Kutner in Thirteen’s name

    What were آپ thinking? Didn’t آپ know we cared about you? Didn’t آپ know we would have listened?
    Everything’s different without you. We’re all pretending we’re okay, but none of us are. We just don’t want to let everyone else in....
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added by StarWanderer
added by StarWanderer
Source: https://basserist.deviantart.com/art/Best-Metaphor-Ever-116583342
added by pollyloveshouse
added by Olivine
Source: facebook
added by angiii7
added by angiii7
posted by made_of_awesome
Sorry this is so short. I'll update soon!

It was the worst دن of his life. Every mean تبصرہ pounded on him like a hammer, crushing him from the inside out.

Such a bad day, in fact, he wanted it to be his last.

He staggered into his apartment and slammed the door behind him. He ate one last bowl of his پسندیدہ cereal, played one last video game, and watched every copy of Harry Potter and سٹار, ستارہ Wars that he owned- Twice. He looked at a picture of him and the team, all of them smiling and having a good time, and he felt a lump form in his throat.

"No tears," he کہا to himself, "I want to do...
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