Dr. Lawrence Kutner Club
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added by Immunity
Source: me
added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی (screencaps: Dianna).
added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی / m_ouse @ livejournal
added by pollyloveshouse
added by misanthrope86
Oh my god it makes me cry! [Credit: ACsakvith on YouTube]
house md
dr lawrence kutner
season 5
simple explanation
added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی / me
added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی (screencaps: nekocat)
added by misanthrope86
Source: لومڑی (screencaps: Dianna).
added by angiii7
added by pollyloveshouse
Source: dryrope @ LJ
added by xjsx
added by x5mp1xp1nx22x
Source: Numbs
added by House34
added by misanthrope86
Source: IrethWaverly on photobucket
posted by cheery_blossom
"Do آپ wake up in the morning and need help to lift your head?"

He dragged himself out of bed, barely coherent, and fell back onto the covers staring at the cieling. Will today be the day?

"Do آپ read obituaries and feel jealous of the dead?"

He slapped the newspaper down on the coffee table, afraid, and tormented سے طرف کی the lucky souls free to roam without burden. He put his forehead in his hands and sighed with the weight of the world crushing him, suffocating him.

"It's like living on a cliffside not knowing when you'll dive.
Do آپ know, do آپ know what it's like to die alive?"

It sat on his mantle...
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added by EnjoyHuddy
Source: me
added by misanthrope86
Source: wallspawn.com
added by Criss42
posted by misanthrope86
Kutner is my favourite member of House's new team. So I have compiled a فہرست of some of his funniest quotes so far. Unfortunately, much of the hilarity is in Kal Penn's delivery, so the written quotes aren't quite as funny as watching him give his lines.

House: I fired you.
Kutner: No, آپ didn’t
Amber: He fired you. You're number 6.
Kutner: No, I'm number 9.
House: I approve of your shamelessness. You're still fired.

House: Vitamin D is metabolized سے طرف کی both the liver and kidneys - it wouldn't tell us which one screwed up.
Kutner: We could get her wasted. Give her shots of tequila, measure how long...
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added by angiii7