Elf What is your پسندیدہ quote from Elf? There's plenty more)

Pick one:
&# 34; Buddy the Elf, what&# 39; s your پسندیدہ color?&# 34;
"Buddy the Elf, what's your پسندیدہ color?"
&# 34; I&# 39; m SINGING! I&# 39; m in a STORE and I&# 39; m SINGING! I&# 39; m...
"I'm SINGING! I'm in a STORE and I'm SINGING! I'm in a stooore, and I'm SINGING!"
Elves try to stick to four main food...
Elves try to stick to four main food groups,candy,candy canes,candycorn,and syrup
So, good news - I saw a dog today. Have آپ seen a...
So, good news - I saw a dog today. Have آپ seen a dog? آپ probably have...
&# 34; I just like to smile, smiling&# 39; s my favorite!&# 34;
"I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite!"
&# 34; آپ smell like beef and cheese, آپ don&# 39; t smell...
"You smell like beef and cheese, آپ don't smell like Santa."
&# 34; Francisco! That&# 39; s fun to say! Francisc- o......
"Francisco! That's fun to say! Francisco... Frannncisco... Franciscooo..."
&# 34; Have آپ seen these toilets? They&# 39; re GINORMOUS!&# 34;
"Have آپ seen these toilets? They're GINORMOUS!"
Added by greekthegeek
[ whispering] I like to whisper, too.
[whispering] I like to whisper, too.
Added by EverybodyLies
whats a christmasgram i want one!
whats a christmasgram i want one!
Added by nerysflynn
Oh I forgot to give آپ a hug
Oh I forgot to give آپ a hug
Added by Snerkie
all of the above !!!!!!!!!!!!
all of the above !!!!!!!!!!!!
Son of a Nutcracker
Added by tomkatnan
I love you... I love you...... I LOVE YOU! lol
I love you...I love you......I LOVE YOU! lol
Added by kokobunn
it looks like a christmas درخت
it looks like a christmas درخت
Added by ilovemichael
Added by AngelaWeber
I&# 39; m a cotton- headed ninny muggins.
I'm a cotton-headed ninny muggins.
Added by BlueBadger
آپ must be a south pole elf!
آپ must be a south pole elf!
Added by RaichuKFM
Come hear I think u need a hug.(racoon attack) I...
Come hear I think u need a hug.(racoon attack) I just wanted a hug!
Added by cutiegirl01
What about santa's cookies? I suppose parents eat those too?
Added by SpikeVamp
&# 34; I&# 39; ll call آپ in five minutes.&# 34; ... &# 34; Good idea,...
"I'll call آپ in five minutes." ... "Good idea, آپ call me."
Added by Magica
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 sarahbearak20 posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
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