شائقین of PoM Club
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It was a warm summer دن in August.
In the پینگوئن, پیںگان habitat, Skipper was demonstrating the warm-up exercise to the rest of the team.
In the وٹر, اوٹار habitat, Marlene was taking a swim after eating her lunch of oysters and salmon.
In the بندر habitat, Julien was making a smoothie...well, Julien was doing his best at making a smoothie.
He wasn't doing bad, considering he'd never actually made something himself in his life. He had thrown in a banana, two mangoes, a papaya, and some fruit that he had no idea what it was, but thought it smelled yummy.
Mort was helping Julien. Or, he was attempting to...
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posted by KaylaFoxeh
Operation: Maelstrom 06:00:32 hours

It was a cold and dark morning, a gentle rumble of thunder sounded inside Sindaj's quarters. She woke up and yawned. She got to her feet and hit her head off a low, overhead pipe on her way out. She waddled to the galley and made herself a sardine coffee and yawned again. "good morning, Sindaj" کہا Skipper, yawning and shuffling over to the coffee maker. "good morning, Skipper" کہا Sindaj with a yawn. lightning flashed across the sky with a loud rumble of thunder and the rain began to fall. Kowalski and Rico entered the galley. Sindaj sipped...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Brandon noticed thst his فر, سمور wasn't the usual brown color, but was not a deep shade of white. Mabey that's why the girls were flocking him. He chuckled. "Oh girls. It's me..B--" Brandon choked on his words when he saw Marlene giving him the eye. "Who?" She asked, batting here eyelashes. Brandon's throat tensed up, and his words weren't coming out properly. "I-It's m-e...b-...Andon.." Brandon's eyes widened when he noticed his mistake. "Oo..Andon. Sounds exotic." Mica said, grabing his arm. "His فر, سمور is so soft!" Marlene added, playing with his tail. Lilly put her flipper over his shoulder. "So...
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(Honestly, I wanted to make this about Emma and a certain someone, but my mum likes reading my fanfics. D: Enjoy anyways, I still liked making this. :3)

It was 10:00 December 31st 2012 and the Central Park Zoo animals were buzzing with excitement. In one hour, they'd be heading out to the park, and having a New Years Eve party. Not all the animals were going, as the big animals might attract attention. But the Penguins were going, so were the Lemurs, Marlene and the Chimps.

"What's my job at the party sir?" Ashley asked Skipper eagerly, his big green eyes shining with anticipation. A few of...
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posted by 67Dodge
Author's Note: Just thought about another chapter for my fanfic, "The Thing" but then thought about Damion, and I begged to ask, "What if he wasn't evil? What if he was jolly good, Mr. Goody Two-Shoes?" Indeed I brewed up this lovely idea, and I hope آپ enjoy a humorous one-shot of Damion as a good guy. XD

"Well, shouldn't intrude on him..." کہا Private fearfully, he heard maniac laughing inside the small laboratory, flashing lights buzzing in one of the windows, he knew that this was the dreary place of Dr. Damion, the same guy that had killed and enslaved many, but he had an objective much...
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I decided to write this while listening to we are the champions from my new crazy frog CD xD

It was a dark and stormy day. The rain came down in torrents. Thunder rumbled and lighting shot across the sky. Blowhole and his minions challenged the penguins to a game of soccer. Triumphant موسیقی was playing as Sindaj, Rico, Skipper, Kowalski and Private walked onto the field. "we are the champions, my friends" the lobsters sang as Kowalski went to the goal net. "we are the champions, we are the champions no time for losers because we are the champions... of the worldd" sang the lobsters again. Julien...
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posted by KaylaFoxeh
Name: Sindaj

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Species: پینگوئن, پیںگان

Altercations: Right wing has non conductive metal wing bone replacements due to injury in a سب, سب سے اوپر secret, nearly suicidal mission.

Eye Colors: left eye green, right eye blue

Flipper length and beak size: Skipper's flipper length and Private's beak size

Height: Marlene's height

Body shape: Marlene's exact body shape

Rank: General

Languages: Mainly speaks German. Knows Russian, French, Danish, Italian, English fluent

Number: 3-5-6-4-0-9-1-8

Secret Weapon: Military Might

Talents: Combat master, knows taekwondo, She can do technological stuff,...
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Mya opened the letter to see it said. Hannah snatched the letter from Mya. " Dear creator, " Hannah said. " Uh-oh this doesn't sound like it's good. What is this about? "

" Andriod 17......He's ba-ba-back!!! " Mya کہا in shock.
" Who is this andriod 17 and we does he call آپ creator? " Hannah asked.

" Do آپ seriously want to know, " Mya said. " Long پہلے when I was ten years old I signed up for some science and macanical, technical stuff. My boss who was named after his father's father, Dr.Gero, and me built five andriods: Number 15 who's the andriod I built myself. Andriod 16 who I made that...
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(A.N.: this chapters a bit short but very creepy XD hope آپ enjoy! :D )

Everybody scrambled out of the HQ and slammed the مچھلی bowl back down on the hatch. Skipper herded everyone to the edge of the platform. "Everyone تقسیم, الگ کریں up! Go in groups of three یا four and just run. There's only one of her and ten of us! Once we get to a محفوظ spot we'll regroup and come up with a plan." Skipper yelled to everyone. He was actually freaking out!
Emma's eyes widened. "Skipper, I didn't take آپ for one to be scared of a doll. Granted she's super creepy, but still."
Skipper scowled at Emma. "Why don't...
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posted by SgtSkipper
Fire Fighters
Everyone on the platform except MS fell over with the force of the blast. CC held Rune tightly in her flippers as she struggled to her feet. Rune cried in fear, curling up into a ball in CC's grasp. Bandit coughed and used MS as support to stand up. The smoke was thick and full of dust, it was impossible to see. CC held out one flipper in front of her, feeling her way, trying to find Bandit. "Ban… Bandit!" She coughed as the black smoke filled her lungs and she became light-headed. Bandit shook her head and leaned on the robot. "CC! Don't move! We'll find you!" MS scanned the...
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posted by DrBsNumber1Fan
 Steve plays Cirqus Voltaire at the arcade
Steve plays Cirqus Voltaire at the arcade
Fanpop Plays proudly presents: Voltaire's Revenge

Kendall A. Tailfin as Steve
Spongebob Squarepants as Sherlock Squarepants
Jake Long as Mr. Travis
Ke$ha Rose Sebert as Mrs. Travis
Patrick سٹار, ستارہ as Baby Junior
Ariana Grande as Cat Valentine
Gumball Watterson as Josh the arcade manager
Dr Francis Blowhole as Voltaire

Everyone takes their seats in the theater. Lights go out.
Steve comes out
Steve: Oh, hi there! How's everyone doing today? Good? Yeah me too! My name is Steve. It's summer vacation and I am on my way to the arcade! Who here likes pinball? Yeah me too! I am such a pinball geek! My...
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added by 1Amberpet
Source: Me
posted by Skiparah
It was a dark and chilly night. The rain and wind was freezing and forced it's way into a man's soul if he wasn't careful. آپ would imagine that only a پینگوئن, پیںگان could stand freezing temperatures. Yeah, Skipper thought so too. After five منٹ outside he was shivering visibly and his beak was chattering. He tried to
pretend it was nothing and walk it off, but every time he moved it felt like walking with a layer of ice encasing you. Finally he stopped behind a brick دیوار that stood blocking most of the harsh wind and rain and slumped back against it. Something hard and cold hit...
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The team hopped out of the fishbowl, and Skipper explained what they would be doing.

"So today, team, we will be working on basic defence moves, and some new flips." Skipper began, his eyes on the two young penguins. "Also we are going to learn some moves that are useful underwater." He explained. Emma grinned, and looked towards the shimmering water.

"What moves are we doing?" Ashley asked, looking ecstatic. He was practically buzzing.

"I'll دکھائیں you." Skipper replied, and showed the penguins, some basic blocking moves, and ordering the team to do the same. Emma got a bit bored سے طرف کی this, since...
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5th January. Tressa, Smarty, Amy and Jane were still in lab. Tressa and Smart were almost finished the plan. Amy would be 7 on 24th January. She was looking آگے to her birthday. “Hope it won’t be like Tressa’s birthday. She didn’t let us to celebrate it. Smarty and Tressa haven’t talked about the thing yet. They are talking rarely. I’m sure they wouldn’t talk if they weren’t making the plan.” Amy thought.
It was 20.00. Tressa was working on her latest invention, T1000-%5. She wasn’t creative at giving names to her inventions. T1000-%5 was a ray. It made 3d things 2d....
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posted by kowalskirocks14
omg, i had several dreams about the show! one was fan-wrtten-episode week, where we send in episodes and they choose which episodes to air!

then one about a fan-created series, where the شائقین nominate three یا four پرستار OCs the become thei own tv دکھائیں derived from a tv دکھائیں derived from a movie!

then just a bunch of episode ideas after that.

but the point was, i had a dream once, where there was a bank in my room, i cleaned it the اگلے day, found a twenty-dollar bill uder the bd, and an empty piggy-bank in the closet!
posted by stlouisfan
Dave sat at the tiki bar at the بندر habitat habitat while drinking smoothies and telling jokes with Rico, Private, Mort, and Maurice. Julian wasn't around so that meant it was محفوظ for Dave to be there without being constantly annoyed. While in the middle of a conversation with the penguins and Maurice; Skipper, Kowalski, and Marlene entered the habitat. Dave spotted them and waved them over.

"Hey fellas, Marlene over here. How are آپ all doing?" Dave asked as he took another drink of smoothie.

Skipper waddled over to Dave and said, "Hello Dave. I have another سوال for آپ if آپ don't...
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posted by KaylaFoxeh
Skipper's log: Unbeknownst to my team I have returned to Shanghai and this time I brought Sindaj. She is one tough soldier" کہا Skipper. Sindaj smiled. "so what are we here for anyway" asked Sindaj in her soft, German accent as they backflipped through Shanghai, making their way to the docks. "Frau Sindaj we are here because intel says our shipments of قوس قزح trout, mackeral, and cod have arrived" کہا Skipper, smiling. Sindaj did a graceful flip."Aren't I supposed to be handling see shipments?" she asked. "Intel also کہا that Hans had shipped himself to these docks to steal our shipment"...
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" yes... " Mr.Popo said. He started to jump up the cliffs. " Are آپ coming? " He asked jumping up again.

" Buddy i have been taking Tae Kwon Doe since I was 9 years old so watch out!!! " She started to climb up the cliff.

They both got up there. " ارے آپ could of helped mme آپ know, " Hannah said. She looked at the old rusty thing down in the fields. " Woah what is that thing? "

" Kamille called it her house, " He said. " When she was little she was sent here to earth. " A flashback started.

" It was my home, " Kamille said. " I spent 27 years of my life in that place. I was sent there when...
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added by skipperfan5431
Source: Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!