"Come on Spike,we need to be at Applejack's Harvest Celebration on time!"Twilight Sparkle yelled.Twilight sorted through her تھیلے, جزدان one last time,making sure everything was in place.Nope,she was missing her gift to the Apples."Spike,where's my gift I was giving to applejack کی, اپپلیجاک and her family?"
"I don't know,but did آپ check on the Study Table?"Spike yelled down.
"I knew I had a feeling that it was there!"She mumbled to herself.She put her تھیلے, جزدان down and went in the اگلے room to the Study Table.It was there,laying on سب, سب سے اوپر of a few books.She put it in her تھیلے, جزدان and left the room.
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