“The Winds of Winter,” brought the prophesied death of Cersei Lannister’s final child: King Tommen of House Baratheon, First of His Name. Though we knew it was inevitable, it was shocking nonetheless to see the young king leap to his death.
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Cersei Lannister holds the throne, but for how long?
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"It feels like we're getting very close to the final conclusion," the actor tells THR about the events of the season six finale.
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And being covered in bat shit during filming.
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HBO confirmed today officially that Game of Thrones is once again returning to San Diego Comic Con. We can look آگے to several members of the cast and crew of the دکھائیں participating in panels and autograph sessions at SDCC, on July 22nd.
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With his time on Thrones now at an end, Dean-Charles Chapman spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about Tommen's fall, Cersei's rise and more.
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Could it be that Jon’s real name is a little more…Targaryen-ish?
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Actor Dean-Charles Chapman is not kitten. Spoilers are coming, you’ve been warned!