چنیں پرستار: Season 2: Blax, Snake, ہوم
چنیں پرستار: Season 2: Four Weddings and a Funeral (Minus Three Weddings and One Funeral)
چنیں پرستار: the black dress
چنیں پرستار: marry Jane, fuck Alex, kill Penny
چنیں پرستار: marry Brad, fuck Max, kill Dave
چنیں پرستار: maybe but not until the last season
چنیں پرستار: Four Weddings and a Funeral (Minus Three Weddings and One Funeral)
چنیں پرستار: Dave Of The Dead
چنیں پرستار: Dave and Alex
چنیں پرستار: Max [if he liked girls]
چنیں پرستار: the سیکنڈ season
چنیں پرستار: no, he still looks good
چنیں پرستار: whenever they're on screen
چنیں پرستار: yes it's about time