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A Twilight پرستار Girl's funny six "reasons" to why Twilight is better than Harry Potter!

I think this girl lost her mind. If آپ think like me watch it then read continued text for the mistakes in the video. (you can do copy - paste)


1) Good-looking isn't everything. Plus Robert Pattinson is played in Harry Potter too.

2) Vampires and werewolfs are not realistic. And modern time is not مزید realistic than old times.

3) Rowling doesn't copied from Meyer! Sirius Black is invented in 1999. Jacab Black is invented six سال later. So maybe Meyer copied Rowling!

4) It says " Harry Potter is for little kids!" Little kids growing up with Harry Potter. Twilight for womens who has no brain!

5) Bella سوان, ہنس means "beautiful swan" and "vampires vs. werewolfs" مضمون is in the story. Very original. So Rowling is مزید creative than Meyer and the story is مزید deeper.
(example look at Lily and Snape.)

6) Romantic isn't everything. Harry Potter is action, romantic, psychology and more. Twilight is just romantic! If she want read romantic کتابیں she can read Romeo and Juliet.

So we learn one thing:
This girl lost her mind and she must read a real book.

That's all.

Love Asilya :D
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