Hello Baby SNSD/Girls' Generation Which Snsd Member Do U Think Has The Most Love 4 The Baby? (Sorry 4got The Baby Name)

Pick one:
tiffany( she loves him but he doesnt see it )
tiffany( she loves him but he doesnt see it )
sunny ( got 2 be the daily mom )
sunny ( got 2 be the daily mom )
taeyeon ( gave hope and dreams )
taeyeon ( gave hope and dreams )
seohyun (maknae who loves him very much )
seohyun (maknae who loves him very much )
jessica ( love without being their )
jessica ( love without being their )
sooyoung (always their when he cries )
sooyoung (always their when he cries )
hyoyeon ( makes him happy when shes their )
hyoyeon ( makes him happy when shes their )
yoona ( always shows her charms 2 him )
yoona ( always shows her charms 2 him )
yuri ( loving pretty mom )
yuri ( loving pretty mom )
all of them!!!!- !!!!!!!
all of them!!!!!!!!!!!
none of them!!!
none of them!!!
 snsdtiffanyfan posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
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