Hetalia: Prussia پولز
چنیں پرستار: I am awesome! Shout that I am awesome! Kneel down and cryyy!
I am awesome! Shout that I am... |
چنیں پرستار: I'm a Prussia fangirl
I&# 39; m a Prussia fangirl |
I&# 39; m a Prussia Lover XD |
چنیں پرستار: The Bad Touch Trio for the win!
چنیں پرستار: What? SHUT UP HE'S MINE!!!!!!
What? SHUT UP HE&# 39; S MINE!!!!!! |
چنیں پرستار: One of my پسندیدہ
چنیں پرستار: Don't ask me to choose آپ cruel woman!!!
چنیں پرستار: Because he's so awesome, he looks sexy ALL the time!
چنیں پرستار: He lived obviously.
چنیں پرستار: Yes! Of course!
چنیں پرستار: Yes! Of course fool!
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