Some people think i'm strange because I don't drink coffee I'd rather drink hot chocolate because hot chocolate is better to me then drinking coffee because with coffee all آپ taste is that i'd rather taste chocolate then coffee I love Land O lakes hot chocolate and others
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What do آپ get when آپ put hot and chocolate together? The delecious hot chocolate! (of course آپ do have to put the and delecious at the begining of it)
گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
Measure out how much دودھ will fit in the mug, put it in a jug, heat it until آپ get a gorgeous smell, put 3 heaped teaspoons of کوکو, نارجیل powder (preferablly Cadbury's) and pour in the milk, stir, put in some marshmallows, سب, سب سے اوپر with whip cream, sprinkle on chocolate vermecelli, crushed Italian Ameretti biscuits, مزید chocolate powder, crushed Flake, a straw, some مزید marshmallows and a chocolate wafer straw. Its fab btw. Try it!!
گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Hello. My Name is vicky i want to your پروفائل today at ( and i love it i think we can clcik from thier!please i will like آپ to میل ای me back through my میل ای thus;( am waiting to recive your lovely reply soonest! Yours vicky ! please contact me through my میل ای address so i can give آپ my picture and tell آپ my datel have a nice day.پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
ecually if your sayig that im dagerous your wrong but i emailed her and she is in her twentiess anyway she lives half way across the worldپہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Hello. My Name is vicky i want to your پروفائل today at ( and i love it i think we can clcik from thier!please i will like آپ to میل ای me back through my میل ای thus;( am waiting to recive your lovely reply soonest! Yours vicky ! please contact me through my میل ای address so i can give آپ my picture and tell آپ my datel have a nice day.پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Hello. My Name is vicky i want to your پروفائل today at ( and i love it i think we can clcik from thier!please i will like آپ to میل ای me back through my میل ای thus;( am waiting to recive your lovely reply soonest! Yours vicky ! please contact me through my میل ای address so i can give آپ my picture and tell آپ my datel have a nice day.پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
Hey, I guess I'll be the first one! آپ know how most people have to have a cup of coffee in the mornings? Well, I need my hot chocolate. It gives me enough of a sugar rush that I can wake up and start my day, but not enough that I get all deflated later. I <3 my hot chocolate!
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