House NY Club
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added by House34
added by lovehousemd_frv
Source: Me:)
added by House34
added by rainbowedlife
Continuing... credit: fishtank36 on Youtube. And the voice can be a bit hard to listen to but برداشت, ریچھ with the maker. :)
house md
let them eat cake
house md
Okay this is my سیکنڈ chapter to the Our Lives story and it is very explicit and may not be worth viewing to some people but there has to be a little bad before I get to the good trust me it will have a happy ending. Please read and let me know what آپ think. Thanks

Chapter 2: Searching

    Mac had the full police department in Princeton out searching everywhere for Stella and Lisa. Many people who were at the hotel where they had been attacked at were questioned but no one had any information that would help in the search. Mac was starting to get very frustrated and worried....
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posted by Cuddles
On New Year's Eve, Olivine and me wrote this great and nobel prize worthy oneshot. xD
And no, we weren't drunk xD.
Anyway, enjoy :D
[Oida = Dude ]

It was an idyllic Wednesday evening. There had never been a blizzard like this before. No car was on the roads, except for one.
„Hm?“, Wilson murmured, he was too distracted سے طرف کی a درخت that was about to fall on the street.
House yelled again. „Did آپ see that road sign??“
„Road sign?“, Wilson turned around and looked at House, „ There was a road sign?“
House was about to rant, when a high, strident voice interrupted him....
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My first CSI:NY/House, M.D. crossover fic so I hope آپ enjoy it. It's really dark at the beginning and many might not like it but trust me it gets better and HuddySMackedfans آپ will love it. Please leave تبصرے and let me know what آپ think. Thanks!

Our Lives

Chapter 1: Payback

New York Police Department Crime Scene Investigation Detectives Stella Bonasera and Mac Taylor were on their way to meet some دوستوں at a restaurant in Princeton, New Jersey on May 18th 2007. They were going to meet Dr. Lisa Cuddy, a long time friend of Stella’s and her boyfriend Dr. Gregory House. They arrived...
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made and uploaded سے طرف کی xxhughlauriexx on YouTube
house md
csi ny
This is an ad from about 2 years پہلے on Channel 5 (in the UK) promoting great TV! =D
house md
csi ny
gregory house
mac taylor
hugh laurie
gary sinise
Huh. So there actually is one. LOL. I کہا in the other video that 'someone needs to make a House opening credits with CSI: NY theme song' and found out that someone actually made it. Funny.
csi ny
house ny
added by Olivine
hope آپ like it =D
house md
added by EnjoyHuddy
Source: me
added by Olivine
Source: me
added by House34
added by Olivine
Source: huddysmack
added by Haze_House
Source: Fanpop (photos) and My laptop
Just watch. Might offend, sorry, but FUNNY. 'Thirteen haz Huntington'. Best. Line. EVAR.
let them eat cake
added by rainbowedlife
'Hey Gary!' LOL. He is so fricken cute I wanna break his toilet. [reference: House M.D.]
gary sinise
csi ny