Ikarishipping Club
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added by pumpkinqueen
posted by StarWarsFan7
A/N: The other series: Opposites Attract, got a little boring. I know, I know. But, it is my choice to make another series of stories. I've been making a ton of fanfictions about Ikarishipping which is why I'm a big fan! :D So, this series is going to be in the time of Dawn, Brock and Ash when they were traveling together across Sinnoh. Dawn is obviously going to hate/like Paul and Paul still thinks she's pathetic. This'll be in Dawn's POV of course! Enjoy! I hope I do a good job!

"Ash are we there yet? I'm booooored!" I complain. "We'll be there. Trust me, Dawn." Ash replies. Gosh. We've been...
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added by MaddieChan
Source: tumblr
posted by MaddieChan
The مضمون آپ are attempting to reach contains theories of a romantic relationship between Dawn and Paul. If آپ are offended سے طرف کی such material, please turn away now.

IkariShipping (Japanese: シンヒカ ShinHika) is the name دیا to the Dawn and Paul coupling supported سے طرف کی a number شائقین of the Pokémon anime. Since its conception, it has become one of the مزید مقبول Ships around the fandom, despite being without any solid evidence for a romantic relationship between the two characters.
The name is derived from the name of the main character of another anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Shinji...
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posted by AmyelKitten
 May, Misty, and Dawn in their new outfits.
May, Misty, and Dawn in their new outfits.
Yay, back for a third story. Sorry about the wait but I was unable to find ideas for a گزشتہ عنوان that I came up with, but then I realized this would make مزید sense. Of course the awsome first person stories again, it's just what works for me. I really hope آپ enjoy!

(Dawn's POV)

I have had Paul visiting me so often, but I have no idea what his house looks like یا how big it is. I have Paul's میل ای now so I sent him a message asking for his address and phone number so I could get to his house and call him once I get there. He sent me what I requested and told me that today was the best...
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added by MaddieChan
Source: Ikarishipping Official Tumblr!
added by Espeongirl360
posted by StarWarsFan7
(Paul's POV)
A/N: I'm SO, SO, SO, SO sorry that the last "Paul's POV" was so crappy. I'm not the best at writing in boys' point of view. But, I guess I was ok at it.

"C'mon! Eat something!" "Star..." This stupid Staraptor won't let me feed it! "You gotta eat it! Now!" Staraptor is getting on my last nerve! "Why won't آپ eat?" I ask him. "Aptor..." I put the green poffin on the میز, جدول اگلے to me. "Whatever. If آپ don't want to eat, آپ don't have to. It's not my problem." I grumble. "Here," A voice says. "I think this will help a lot." The blue-haired figure grabs the hard لیموں, چونے green cookie-like...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
(Paul Shinji's POV)

I walk with my head down low and my hands in my pockets. If you're guessing where I am going, it's Dawn's house. I'm going to apologize to her because of what happened yesterday at school. Thursday night, and obviously at night, it's late and dark. People call me an unfair guy, but sometimes I do things my way and they make sense to me. Only about a block away from Dawn Hikari's home, I sigh. There's nothing harder in a man's life then apologizing to your woman. And in this case, Dawn is my 'woman'. But, I just don't know it yet. We were supposed to have a تاریخ this afternoon,...
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added by pumpkinqueen
Source: The Dawn پرستار club
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: The Dawn پرستار club
posted by StarWarsFan7
A/N: This isn't going to be related to my other fanfictions. Just to tell you. Dawn and Paul kinda don't know each other here. This story is kinda like the movie: A Walk to Remember only I've never seen the movie. I've only seen the trailer and it kinda explains what happens. I know this is a bit wordy but, Paul is like pretty mean and hangs out with Harley, Drew, and Gary who are the مقبول guys in school. Dawn is just a "nobody" who is practically invisible.

(Dawn's POV)

Okay Dawn. آپ can do this. I sigh. How can I enter this school? Again? This is my سیکنڈ ماہ at school and I practically...
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added by MaddieChan
Source: Tumblr
posted by pumpkinqueen
Most other Shippers don't agree that Dawn's feelings towards Paul are important. In fact, out of all main and secondary characters, she is the only one who really shows any interest in Paul, یا even in his skills.

"Different Strokes for Different Blokes!"

Dawn admired Paul when he easily captured an Ursaring, although he didn't return her sentiments.

"A Gruff Act to Follow!"
When Paul stared at Dawn after she stopped the argument, she worriedly asked what's wrong.
Dawn tried to stop the argument between Paul and Ash. However, she became very furious about the fact that Paul didn't remember her...
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added by pumpkinqueen
added by pumpkinqueen
added by pumpkinqueen
added by PPGZMomoko
Source: .deviantart
posted by StarWarsFan7
In Pokemon History, I sit اگلے to May, she's finally available to sit اگلے to me. "Hi May!" I give a smile to my brunette friend. As I set my کتابیں and accordion folder down on the long gray table, I take a نشست on the turqoise chair. "Hey, Dawn! How did it go with Paul last night?" she asks me. Why did she have to bring that up again? "Oh, uhhh..." I try to avoid the conversation. "Do آپ think آپ aced the homework assignment from last night?" I quickly change the subject. "Don't آپ change the subject on me, Dawn Lucinda Hikari!" Ugh! I hate it when she says my full name! It feels like I'm...
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added by Monstrocker
Source: http://innocentfate.deviantart.com/art/Just-Sweet-like-Sugar-446754257