(Paul's POV)
A/N: I'm SO, SO, SO, SO sorry that the last "Paul's POV" was so crappy. I'm not the best at writing in boys' point of view. But, I guess I was ok at it.
"C'mon! Eat something!" "Star..." This stupid Staraptor won't let me feed it! "You gotta eat it! Now!" Staraptor is getting on my last nerve! "Why won't آپ eat?" I ask him. "Aptor..." I put the green poffin on the میز, جدول اگلے to me. "Whatever. If آپ don't want to eat, آپ don't have to. It's not my problem." I grumble. "Here," A voice says. "I think this will help a lot." The blue-haired figure grabs the hard لیموں, چونے green cookie-like...
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