Joseph Gordon-Levitt Links
The actor created and stars in the دکھائیں and also directed eight out of the 10 episodes.
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Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the infamous NSA whistleblower in his new movie biopic
Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays high-wire artist Philippe Petit as he takes his infamous walk between NYC's Twin Towers in 1974
1 fan
(Video) Watch the trailer for Joseph Gordon-Levitt movie 'Snowden' here - link
Congratulations to Joseph Gordon- Levitt who is a first time dad of a little baby boy! ذریعہ - link
It doesn’t seem possible, but the boy wonder’s only gone and pulled it off. Smart, witty and مزید than a little melancholy, Don Jon is a fist-pumping success.
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Fanpop's own lizzybennett interviews JGL about his new film Don Jon which he wrote, directed and played the lead in opposite Scarlett Johansson
17 fans
Would آپ have guessed that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a پرستار of R. Kelly?
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Check out what he names as his پسندیدہ فلمیں and TV show. آپ may be surprised about his answers.
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The best sci-fi movie since Moon. The best time-travel yarn since 12 Monkeys. And one of the best films of 2012. You’ll immediately want to see it again.
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