Klaine Club
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Blaine was beyond upset. He had just lost his job and he knew that he, Kurt and their newborn babies needed the money. Slowly he sighs and turns the key in the ignition from off to on. He looks at himself in his rear view mirror and sighs softly. "Why did it have to be me they lay off?" He says softly frowning. "They knew that me and Kurt had twins recently and of course it just has to be me they have to lay off." He rams his head into the steering wheel accidently setting off the car horn. Jumping he sits up straight and puts his car from park into drive and begins to drive home.

The drive...
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posted by Seastar4374
Okay so this is my first time really ever writing a fanfic with these characters so please just bare with me. I am going to say now if آپ do not like reading abusive scenes یا smut do not read this hit the back button now.
"Mom?" Kurt asked walking down a long narrow hall way his کتے ears down semi frightened. "Mom آپ here?" He asked again walking in the direction of his mother's bedroom. He was aware that she had cancer but that did not prepare him for what he was about to see. Slowly he opened the door and was shocked to find that his mother was dead. "Mom!"...
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posted by seradal
This is a :) tribute to the cuteness of Klaine. I am so surprised noone has written an مضمون but here goes. Don't آپ just love the hilarious way that Blaine tries to bring back bow ties while Kurt tries not to hurt his feelings about his lame(ish) preppy style because it's so cute. Speaking about preppiness, I think that Kurt is turning Blaine into... A HIPSTER!!! I mean ever since they started dating Blaine has been drinking a lot of coffee and wearing a lot of skinny jeans!!! And thanks to Kurt, Blaine has even managed to let some of his hair gel free and back into the wild and let his...
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