Kurt Hummel Club
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added by iamfeebs123
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added by AutumnDontFall
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Rachel: "Look guys, these steps are not hard! I’ve been doing them since preschool!"
Kurt: "I’m sorry, did I miss the election for queen. Cause I didn’t vote for you."

Finn: "Look, I owe آپ guys an apology. I never should have quit. I don't want to be the guy that just drives around throwing eggs at people!"
Rachel: "That was you?"
Kurt: "You and your دوستوں threw pee balloons at me."
Finn: "I know."
Kurt: "You nailed all my lawn furniture to my roof."


(To bullies) "One دن آپ will all work for me."

(To Mercedes) "You look like a technicolor zebra."

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credit : lijapo2 @ YT
kurt hummel
chris colfer
Glee" creator and executive producer Ryan Murphy "discovered" Chris Colfer, but don't tell the young actor that. It makes him "feel like a continent." A good continent, though. Colfer, 19, plays Kurt Hummel in "Glee," which premieres tomorrow at 9 p.m. He's part of the musical comedy's talented ensemble, but his triple-threat performance is already being singled out سے طرف کی TV critics. The following is a longer version of a feature about Colfer that will be published in the Los Angeles Times tomorrow.

The then-18-year-old high school graduate with the big blue eyes and pale skin nervously walked...
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I didn't write these reasons but I sure as Hell thought of them and completely agree with this person 100%!! I could add مزید reasons as to why this is the worst ship on the دکھائیں but I'd rather just save that for another arguement, anyway check out what this gleek had to say after the jump:

1) Rachel: “Does this mean you’ll be competing against us at sectionals?”

Your best friend is crying. Everyone else is crying. He is about to leave everything he knows and you’re worrying about a stupid singing competition? Real friendship right there, yo.

2) The entire Blame it on the Alcohol episode....
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added by roobiip
added by edwestwick
added by edwestwick
added by ninjacupcake88
added by -letlovein
Source: http://windsors.tumblr.com/
added by AutumnDontFall
Source: Tumblr