Lie to Me Club
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added by IsisRain
added by VintageQueen
Source: FOX, Mathieu Young
added by mrshouse62689
posted by callianlover
There's an مضمون in this month's Sky Magazine about the سیکنڈ half of Lie To Me, which it says is returning to Sky 1 in Late Spring. It's only a short piece, but I've copied it below.

Love مثلث for Dr Lightman?
When we last saw human behaviour expert Dr Cal Lightman, he was dealing with everything from death threats at a high school to trying to suss if a farmer's plan to blow up the US Treasury Department should be taken seriously. Thankfully, Dr Cal and co have survived their numerous ordeals, and Season Two of Lie To Me will resume in May - but this time it seems the troubles are of...
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posted by Juliana_House
 This picture of Tim Roth really seems to sum up the feelings of this episode.
This picture of Tim Roth really seems to sum up the feelings of this episode.
This was a truly haunting episode. سے طرف کی far one of the darkest episodes aired this season, and one of the best.

Right off the bat, we open with a chilling suicide, and a very intense case. No opening credits is what immediatly caught my attention. It has never happened before on any other دکھائیں (besides the pilot) and was deffinatly a first for me. It added to the drama and set off the episode right away.

Our case is finally one out of Cal's interest and not one that has been assigned to the Lightman Group, so we know that he had intense feelings for it as soon as he heard it was a suicide. The...
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added by nevara91
added by Juliana_House
Source: Google
added by Juliana_House
Source: Me, and YouTube for the clips
added by nevara91
added by nevara91
added by nevara91
added by Kaelity
Source: Twitter @poorlilhayley
added by Melissa666
Source: لومڑی
added by Melissa666
Source: لومڑی
added by Melissa666
Source: لومڑی
added by Melissa666
Source: لومڑی