Life Unexpected Club
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added by dustydarrell
Source: 4
added by dustydarrell
Source: 4
added by dustydarrell
Source: 4
added by dustydarrell
Source: 4
added by dustydarrell
Source: 4
added by dustydarrell
Source: 4
added by TriineA
Source: mandasmal @livejournal
added by TriineA
added by Alera
It's unfair that Lux loses someone she truly loves due to something innocent, and Cate gets to keep the guy even after the not so innocent act. Why does Cate get to live out her happily ever after, while Lux suffers from taking the advice Cate should have taken herself; telling the truth? It is almost as though she is playing things safe; Ryan is the 'guaranteed guy'. He's open, honest, patient, kind, does the right thing even if it breaks his heart; the formula for love of a decent guy wrapped into a package. Bazile is unexpected, spontaneous, with a hint of danger in the middle and in the...
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Lux surprised me here. She didn't come off as the type that would care about what other people thought about her, یا would even try to suck up to anyone just to claim a friend. I don't understand why she would feel the need to lie. It's surprising how each time I grow to resent Cate's character. The مزید I try to like her, the difficult I find it, when she treats her ex like a poppet and tries to portray herself as the ideal role model for Lux. Cate and Bazile are in the same stance, they weren't mature as teenagers to raise a child, and even if Bazile should have taken مزید responsibility...
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added by TriineA
added by TriineA
added by TriineA
added by TriineA
added by dustydarrell
Source: 4
Poor Cate we all knew this دن was coming, the thing that was uncertain was when. I loathed Cate's character over the past few weeks. For as long as we have known her, she has been manipulative, immature and unable to fess up and admit her responsibilities. It sure felt for the while, as though she was making a fool of Ryan. She managed to turn him into a deceitful, angry man, who had it out for Bazile when Cate was the one at fault. I admire Bazile for his maturity سے طرف کی not coming clean to Ryan. Bazile is actually the only responsible one in all the chaos; the one everyone expects to do horrible...
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added by aqnsz