This is pet #339 also known as Brooke Hayes From LPS Popular
Littlest Pet دکان is a world-wide famous toy brand. In the 1980's, Littlest Pet دکان came into the world. They were the vintage toys. They looked just like to other basic animal toys. Then around 1998, the very first Littlest Pet دکان came out. Pet #1 (the first one ever) was a tan and dark red Chihuahua. The اگلے one was a brown pug. After a few years, مزید colorful Littlest Pet Shops came out. Before, LPS were the basic colors of your average pet. Around 2006-2008, LPS started becoming مزید colorful with colors like pinks and purples, blues and greens. اگلے came Blythe dolls. Blythe is a...
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