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Long Distance Relationships Have آپ had an LD تاریخ with your LDG/LDB?

2 fans picked:
Yes! We have them all the time!
Yes! We have them all the time!
Nope, and don&# 39; t care to.
Nope, and don't care to.
Yes, a few times.
Yes, a few times.
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no votes yet
No, but I want to. :/
No, but I want to. :/
no votes yet
 NCISLuverjk93 posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
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Yes! We have them all the...
NCISLuverjk93 picked Yes! We have them all the time!:
We've watched a few movies together, a few episodes of shows, and we also watch TVD together every week. <3
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Nope, and don&# 39; t care to.
Jillywinkles picked Nope, and don't care to.:
We just talk. Hopefully we won't have to be long distance for much longer
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.