I got some information from my mom and searched the internet and I always believed mermaids are real! I've always believed in mermaids, and from what I've learned, they're real! Of course not as we thought. This really makes me sad. Mermaids don't look very human, as they live in the sea. Yes, their faces and hair are human-like but very ugly. The eyes of these mermaids are like two little black holes. Their ears are pointed like an elf and fangs like a fish. They have sequins on their upper parts instead of the breast ٹوپی they wear in our imagination. Of course they are not beautiful. Because they are not human, their bodies are suitable for living under the sea. Despite that, they sound great. They use their voices to put sailors into a trance and suffocate them. This is the real mermaid. What we dream of has powers, very beautiful and kind hearted. Sorry mermaids شائقین this is the truth. Most mermaids are bad. They're all ugly.