Michael & Maria Quotes ♥

TriineA posted on Apr 21, 2008 at 02:36PM
Michael&Maria had some amazing quotes - here are some of my favourits..

Michael: I’m not completely emotionally retarded. I have feelings.
Maria: All right, then walk ‘em over there and give them a work out.
From disturbing behaviour

Michael: She’s obsessed with me.
Maria: Well, I guess that makes two of you, then, doesn’t it?
From Harvest

Michael: But I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's meant so much to me, y'know. From day one, from the moment I kidnapped you and stole your car... I knew you were the girl for me. I never wanted anyone else...
Maria: Michael...
Michael: I still don't. Just... Wherever I'm goin', whatever I'm doin', just know I'll always love you.

.. What are yours? (:

Michael & Maria 4 جوابات

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پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک MioneWeasley545 said…
Skin & Bones
Maria : Why? Because you're destined to be with Isabel?
Michael : No. I don't buy that. Because I'm destined to be the soldier, and a soldier can't have some chick at home waiting for him.
Maria : Michael, half the movies ever made are about soldiers with chicks waiting at home for them.

Maria : We're asking the questions here, ok? Now, why are you in Roswell? Where's the rest of your evil army? And most of all, why are you obsessed with my good-looking, if badly groomed boyfriend?
Courtney : I'm not obsessed with him, ok? I follow him in the... political sense.

It's Too Late And It's Too Bad

Maria : One day you're gonna leave me. You're gonna get on a spaceship and go away, and you being the perfect boyfriend right now is really not helping me. I can't lose anyone else, Michael. My heart can't handle it.


Michael: There's a lot about you Maria. There's a lot about you, but I think what means the most to me is that you're open. You know I can look into your eyes and I can see you. I can see what you're thinking. I can see what you're feeling. How much I mean to you sometimes, how much I piss you off sometimes. But I can always see you.
Maria: I see you too.
Michael: No, no you don't see me. You know when Max and Liz would kiss, and Liz would get the flashes? And when we would kiss you didn't. I know how much that hurt you.
Maria: That doesn't matter to me anymore Michael.
Michael: The reason you didn't get the flashes is because I didn't let you get them. I didn't let you see me. I've never let anyone see me before... because there are things inside of me that I don't want people to see. There's things inside of me that I'm not so proud of. But I've thought about it, and I want you to see me.

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک TriineA said…
^ Love the last one too <3 Michael is such a sweetheart!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک mcewen_girl said…
Maria:I HATE you!
Not sure why but I just LOVE that scene!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک frsbg said…
Maria: I thought you were leaving
Michael: I am... but I just wanted... I dunno.
Maria: To say goodbye?
Michael: I wanted to say that this thing has been screwed up from the beginning. You and me. Us. Just the whole long, stupid story...
Maria: Thanks...
Michael: But I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's meant so much to me, y'know. From day one, from the moment I kidnapped you and stole your car... I knew you were the girl for me. I never wanted anyone else...
Maria: Michael...
Michael: I still don't. Just... Wherever I'm going, whatever I'm doin', just know I'll always love you.

Michael: There's a lot about you Maria. There's a lot about you, but I think what means the most to me is that you're open. You know I can look into your eyes and I can see you. I can see what you're thinking. I can see what you're feeling. How much I mean to you sometimes, how much I piss you off sometimes. But I can always see you.
Maria: I see you too.
Michael: No, no you don't see me. You know when Max and Liz would kiss, and Liz would get the flashes? And when we would kiss you didn't. I know how much that hurt you.
Maria: That doesn't matter to me anymore Michael.
Michael: The reason you didn't get the flashes is because I didn't let you get them. I didn't let you see me. I've never let anyone see me before... because there are things inside of me that I don't want people to see. There's things inside of me that I'm not so proud of. But I've thought about it, and I want you to see me.

Michael: I don't do proms, they are unnatural.
Maria: Unnatural? You being half alien, half grandpa Dupree is unnatural, but I manage...
(Heart of mind)

Michael: I’m not completely emotionally retarded. I have feelings.
Maria: All right, then walk ‘em over there and give them a work out.
(Distourbing behaviour)

Maria: I can't count on you.
Michael: Yes, you can. I'll take care of this. I mean, I'm right here for you.
Maria: But you won't always be.
Michael: What?
Maria: One day you're gonna leave me. You're gonna get on a spaceship and go away, and you being the perfect boyfriend right now is really not helping me. I can't lose anyone else, Michael. My heart can't handle it.
(It's too late and it's too bad)