Midnight Sun Club
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added by Bloodbeauty
I want your honest opinions, like I did with the breaking dawn theories please!!

I shot down the highway at almost one-hundred-miles per hour, to the hospital where Carlisle worked.
I could still taste Bella Swan's scent in the back of my mouth. So sweet, like lavender...or fresia...?
I ground my teeth together, and clamped my hands down hard on the steering wheel, at the same time trying to keep it in one piece.
I needed a distraction. I popped in a Debussy CD, one of my favorites. It did little to calm me, but I was distracted as I tried to find each pattern of موسیقی in the songs. I would...
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added by Bloodbeauty
It's quite funny, I first wasn't planning on reading 'Midnight Sun' because Edward isn't really my پسندیدہ character. But I was really bored and decided to read it.
My پسندیدہ characters are Alice and Jasper and the things the chapters یا sentences that were about them, I really liked that in 'Midnight Sun' Also i thought even though Edward isn't my پسندیدہ character he was very good in it.


Now about Alice and Jasper

this moment shows that Jasper is really struggling to keep his thirst under control. I feel really sorry for him. With this...
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added by My_Rob
added by IsabellaMCullen
Source: trevor_doll @ photobucket.com
added by KarinaCullen
added by leah120492
added by Natbr
added by Bella_090
added by screw_love_5116
added by _karen_
added by dia_alam
added by IsabellaMCullen
Source: marija11 @ photobucket.com
added by IsabellaMCullen
Source: carmela_quijano @ photobucket.com
added by IsabellaMCullen
added by dia_alam
added by dia_alam
added by dia_alam