My Little ٹٹو Friendship is Magic Club
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Guard: آپ must of been counting your blessings Chimney. آپ made bail.

Patrol board member: Do آپ believe, in your best judgment, that آپ have been rehabilitated?
Chimney Sheep: Rehabilitated? It's just a stupid, made-up word, so boys like آپ can sit behind a desk, wear a fancy suit, and feel important. You're a jerk, and I had sex with your mother last night. And I swear to God, آپ let me outta here, first thing I'm gonna do is kill again!
Patrol board member: (approves him for bail)

Chimney: Well. Thanks for bailing me out آپ two.
Derpy: No problem.
Chimney: Shit Derpy. What happened to your eyes!? آپ look like a کتے that was chewed up سے طرف کی an even bigger puppy. Hahahah- but seriously, آپ look great.
Derpy: Look. We need آپ to help us get out of town. My cousin ended up killing Reggie.
Saten: Hey. Least I got a cutie mark out of it.
Chimney: Wait.. Reggie?.. Derpy, isn't he the one who punched آپ in the throat, and that's why your voice changed.
Derpy: No. He punched me in the throat BECAUSE my voice changed.

added by shadirby
Source: Me and my scanner
added by shadowknuxgirl
Source: Made with Calendarika
added by BillyTheShark
added by AngelicWaffle
Source: Me
added by Iridescence
Source: vinyl, scratch, pony, cute, wallpaper, mlp
added by Iridescence
added by Magicalgirl12
added by Magicalgirl12
added by TotalDramaFan60
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: me
added by purplevampire
added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: HAsbro
added by karinabrony
Source: My Little Brony
added by karinabrony
added by karinabrony
added by Canada24
added by karinabrony
added by TwiIightSparkle
added by purplevampire