My Little ٹٹو Friendship is Magic Club
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At an outside restaurant.

Taxi Driver: *Stops at restaurant*
Nazis: *Get out*
Taxi Driver: *Drives away*
French Stallion: Puis-je vous offrir quelque chose?
Nazi: Nous voulons champagne.
French Stallion: Venir jusqu'à. *goes to get champagne*
Sigmund: *Reading newspaper*
French Stallion: *Hears his phone ringing, then answers* Bonjour?... Oui. *Walks to Sigmund* Quelqu'un veut vous parler au téléphone.
Sigmund: Le téléphone?
French Stallion: Oui monsieur.
Sigmund: *Stands up* Merci. *Goes to phone* Hello.... Hello?

The ٹٹو that called him hung up. Then suddenly, a car was pulling up to the restaurant....
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Pablo was fed up with getting buried in dirt, and decided to leave سے طرف کی going through the wire.

Pablo: *Holding wire cutter*
Volk: *arrives* Pablo? What are آپ doing?
Pablo: I'm getting out of here.
Volk: But we're not getting out through the fence, we're going through the tunnel, it's finished.
Pablo: I go through fence!
Volk: *Punches Pablo* You're not thinking. We can't go through the fence.
Pablo: *Slams Volk into wall* Don't do that. *Sighs* Volk, since I was a colt, I feared, and hated small rooms.
Volk: But آپ dug so many tunnels. Seventeen tunnels.
Pablo: Si. I hide the fear, and continue...
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posted by elsafan1010
Mlp is a master at cloning and mystery. For example, Dr. Hooves thing. I am writing an مضمون about him today. As we all know, Dr. Hooves is a ہلکی پیلے, گڑگڑانا ٹٹو with a brown mane. Dr. Hooves is an earth pony, so he can't fly یا cast spells. But this situation is not always the same. Because in the episode called Sonic Rainboom, I noticed something. قوس قزح Dash was swapping her number for all the ponies to be last on stage. But when she was number five, the ٹٹو she changed her number to was Dr. Hooves. I have uploaded the picture to the article. آپ can see. This is definitely Dr. It was Hooves, his hair and skin, his eyes cute mark all the same. The only difference was that it appeared as a pegasus. Strange?
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Saten Twist left the station in the Super Chief. As he drove the train away from Los Angeles, Jake started having سیکنڈ thoughts about his job.

Jake: *Sitting on a bench, looking down at the ground*
Stallion 22: *Arrives* We need آپ to get ready for the El Capitan.
Jake: Can I drive the train?
Stallion 22: آپ need to check the baggage.
Jake: Then I quit. *Walks away*
Stallion 22: Have fun looking for another job. You'll never get hired anywhere else.
Jake: We'll see about that.

Jake made a call to the Southern Pacific.

Jake: I heard you're looking for a new engineer.
Southern Pacific Pony: Yes sir,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Saten: *Enjoying موسیقی on his record player while sitting in his couch, and drinking a glass of water* This is how آپ enjoy a summer morning. *Hears a doorbell, and walks to his door*
Tareq: *Watches Saten open the door* Hi Saten. I would have called but my line's down. Can I hang out with you?
Saten: Come on inside.
Tareq: *Closes the door* Buddy Holly. Good choice.
Saten: I just bought it a few days ago. How did your run with Jake go yesterday?
Tareq: Not bad. I actually got him to sit down, and shut up.
Saten: Thank god! How did he react?
Tareq: He stayed silent once I told him about...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The اگلے day, Jake went back to the train station in Albuquerque. Tareq was waiting.

Jake: Hey. My name's Jake, and I'm a nerd.
Tareq: Oh no.
Jake: Did آپ know that the Santa Fe was first created in 1859? We've been around for nearly 100 years.
Tareq: Buddy, I'm gonna ask آپ to shut up. We have a freight train that needs to head into Chicagoat. We're gonna go as far as La Junta in Coltorado. Once we get there, we'll come back on another freight. Are آپ ready?
Jake: Sure. *Climbs on board with Tareq*

They quickly started their journey north.

Jake: Do آپ know why our freight engines are painted...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Saten Twist was assigned to teach Jake how to drive passenger trains. He was waiting on the platform, and the Super Chief was due to leave in five minutes.

Saten Twist: *Sitting on a bench, watching a switcher push five diesels onto the Super Chief* There's my power for the train. Now where is that ٹٹو with the glasses?
Jake: *Arrives, feeling very happy*
Saten Twist: Alright, آپ made it.
Jake: Hey. My name's Jake, and I'm a nerd.
Saten Twist: We met yesterday at the bar. I remember your name.
Jake: Well there's a first.
Saten Twist: Follow me. *Walks to the diesels*
Jake: *Following Saten Twist*...
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posted by mariofan14
What is love, really? Is it merely some fool's dream that is only temporarily powerful, یا is it the feeling of affection one has for another? Surely, it is یا should be the latter, but it can be taken the wrong way. In that matter, that is called lust, meaning an uncontrolled feeling for others that can and will blow away your self-control.

Here's a good example of lust: the affair between Paolo Malatesta and Francesca da Polenta. Paolo was the younger brother of Giovanni, who was to be married to Francesca. This marriage was to be a solidification of peace between their families, probably...
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posted by ChevalNoir
In the far north beyond Crystal Empire and farther than Yak Yakstan lies Kingdom of Midnight Sun, a vast land of ice and snow.Contrary to all expectation ponies live even in this harsh realm.They grow plants they need in green fields heated from underground سے طرف کی eternal flame.Without its effect life in Kingdom of Midnight Sun wouldn't be possible.Even Equestria would be much colder.So ruler of the kingdom, an alicorn queen is also guardian of the flame.Many baddies tried to gain control of it and subjugate the world.Most of them couldn't stand local weather conditions, and gave it up.Magic in...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Inside Black Tuesday's tent, Guy got his camera ready.

Guy: Okay. It's a little dark in here, but it should work.
Black Tuesday: Why?
Guy: It has to be bright enough to دکھائیں آپ what I'm about to do. I'd دکھائیں آپ some of my other stop motion videos, but I left those all at home. *Grabs a cup, and puts it on a shelf* Now watch what I do. *Takes a picture of the cup, then nudges it to the left, and takes another picture*
Black Tuesday: Is that all there is to it? Moving a cup from one place to another in the shortest distance possible?
Guy: Unless آپ want two pictures in your video, it's مزید complicated...
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posted by SomeoneButNoone
Slash - *looks around the murder scene wich is pinkies house*
Ace - I see nothing.
Slash - Well I do see some apples. The died out of strong kick I assume.
Ace - UT the autopsy say-
Slash - Poison. لومڑی used poison. But سیکنڈ coming was another Killer. Wich is... *looks up on cealing* Haaa... *looks on میز, جدول and points on سیب, ایپل pie* AppleJack.
Ace - What! How can آپ be so sure.
Slash - She came In and gave Pinkie the سیب, ایپل pie. Problem is. *cuts pie in half* Half of it is poison. While سیکنڈ part is hallucigen. She probably saw monster یا something kicked her almost dead body and ran away tripping...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Episode 6: Snow

Special Guest Stars, Jordan from SeanTheHedgehog
And Neon Lights as Nick Ren

Gran Turismo just got 18 inches of snow. Even though all of the roads were plowed, the speed limits were reduced, to avoid accidents.

Julia: *Stops her car اگلے to a speed sign*
Tim: *Gets a temporary speed sign, and puts it up*

The on the road they were currently on was reduced from 35 to 20. Every road in Gran Turismo had it's speed decreased سے طرف کی 15.

Tim: There we go. *Gets back into the car, sitting اگلے to Julia*
Julia: *Drives the car*
Tim: *Picks up the receiver on the radio*...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
What to expect in this episode.

Ponies: *Riding snowmobiles in the snow*


Tim: *With Captain Jefferson in his office* What you're asking for can't be accomplished. We don't have the right vehicles to stop those guys.


Captain Jefferson: *Outside with a State Trooper pony* How soon will they arrive?
State Trooper Pony: As soon as we get enough money from our charity.
Captain Jefferson: That could take forever.
State Trooper Pony: Well you're gonna have to be patient!


Mare: *Trapped in a car laying on it's side in snow* Help! I can't open my door!
Tim: Just sit tight! We'll get آپ out!...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
اگلے دن at breifing, Captain Jefferson had a message.

Captain Jefferson: There are reports being made about a silver Honda drifting on the streets of this town. We need to put a stop to it. He got away from us one time, we're not gonna let it happen again. That's all I got, any questions?
Tim: May I say something Captain?
Captain Jefferson: Go ahead, but make it quick.
Tim: *Goes to the front of the room* Now tomorrow, I'm making plans to extend my model railroad layout. Anypony interested in helping me out, go ahead, and say so.

Three ponies, along with Toby raised their hooves.

Tim: Okay....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
The اگلے day, Frank arrived in his Camaro.

Sargent Getraer: *Watching Harlan install a police radio into Frank's Camaro* So this is your car.
Frank: Yep. Dark silver paint, chrome mirrors, a supercharged engine-
Harlan: And a very expensive radio. Don't damage it.
Frank: Hey, come on Harlan. آپ think I'd destroy any part of my car on purpose?
Harlan: No but, accident's do happen.
Jon: *Arrives* ارے Ponch, آپ finally got your car.
Harlan: Alright, let's check your radio. *Turns on the radio*
Jesse: Canterlot 15 7-Ian, in pursuit of the bank robbers. Did anyone hear anything about a bus being...
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Master Sword: There آپ are! My suit has vanished and this was the only thing left in my closet! How do I look?

Derpy: Like a million bits!

Mayor Mare: But I also see so many ponies from all trots of life, brought together سے طرف کی love. Cranky searched all across this great land of ours to find Matilda, and no matter what obstacles kept them apart, love would finally bring them together, just as it has brought all of us together now. It's remarkable to me how a story like Cranky's تلاش for Matilda could fill this room with such a unique collection of ponies! It makes آپ realize that everybody is...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
In part 2 of this episode Tom, Saten Twist, Master Sword, and Sean were playing Grand Theft Auto 5. They were having a race. The race was at the airport. The ramps went from the runway, over the airport, and ended midair above a highway. Then آپ get on مزید ramps that turn back to the airport, and after getting off the last one, آپ have to land in the same spot that آپ started the race to win.

Sean killed everyone once except for Master Sword, and was winning the race.

Sean: *Lands on the highway, and start going up مزید ramps* Good thing there's only one lap to this race.
Master Sword: *Angry*...
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posted by mariofan14
I have دیا out some wise sayings to آپ people in the past. Hopefully they helped آپ all become مزید of a "human" person, not a "scumbag" person.

And so, for no specific reason whatsoever, I'll give آپ all some wise sayings to help آپ out some more, as well as myself. Just to let آپ know, some of these are based on proverbs from the biblical Book of Proverbs.

Here is what I would like to say:

Bad people آپ hang out with are a trap, waiting to capture آپ at any دیا moment.

Treasure what آپ may be دیا from people, be it object یا affection. Neither lasts as long as آپ would think it...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Tom: Our last part of this episode, and we have two things for you. First up, Brony Of The Month.
Master Sword: For August 2015, it's Nickfurious94, a new guy.
Audience: *Cheering*
Tom: With that out of the way, it's time for the bloopers we created while filming this episode.

Blooper song: link

Tom: Hello everypony, and- *Waits for Master Sword to cough*
Master Sword: *Coughs*
Tom: Goddammit!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Do it again.

Take 2

Tom: Hello everypony, and-
Master Sword: *Coughs*
Tom: Goddammit!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: آپ interrupted me!
Master Sword: Not on purpose!!
Tom: Yes it...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Jim, Case Cracker, and Gordon were about to make their attack on the Rock Island Bikers, but first they needed to do something at an abandoned warehouse.

Jim: *Driving the van*
Gordon: Hey. When آپ کہا abandoned warehouse, what did آپ mean سے طرف کی that?
Jim: It's a place only I know about. Since آپ two are going to see it, آپ can't tell anypony else. Got it?
Gordon: Got it.
Case Cracker: Got it. Whats at this abandoned warehouse anyways?
Jim: A lot of guns, and ammunition. آپ put those RIB uniforms on now. We want to fool them.
Case Cracker: Alright. *puts on uniform*
Gordon: *puts on uniform*...
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