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“Reef Break” is a sexy, action-packed, one-hour drama starring پوست Montgomery as Cat Chambers, a thief-turned-fixer for the governor of a stunning and seductive Pacific Island paradise.
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Grimm vet David Giuntoli and Unforgettable سٹار, ستارہ پوست Montgomery are headed to space. The duo will headline CBS’ drama pilot Mission Control, from sci-fi novelist Andy میڑ, ویئر (The Martian), our sister site Deadline reports.
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“I was over-the-moon ecstatic,” says Montgomery, 38, who’ll just have delivered her سیکنڈ child when her sleuthing resumes. “To me, this is all like that Dallas episode where آپ thought Bobby was dead...”
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Taylor Swift's publicist درخت Paine = Actress پوست Montgomery's doppleganger
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