PPGZ and RRB Club
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added by taylorgentry4
added by kagome3322
added by taylorgentry4
added by naruline
Source: naruline
added by girlypunk0809
Source: My Self :D
added by taylorgentry4
added by ppgz_lover123
added by 7emogirl6
added by taylorgentry4
added by naruline
added by taylorgentry4
added by Princeton1_wife
added by naruline
Source: naruline
posted by KaoruM
Kaoru woke up and got ready. It was the first دن of school; and she was excited. She couldn't wait to see Ms. Keane and her friends, Miyako and Momoko. After she ate breakfast; she parted with her family and skateboarded to school. She greeted her teacher and sat in her normal seat. After a little bit; the RRBZ came in and sat in nearby seats.
Kaoru felt a little weird being around older kids than her. She didn't know any of the students other than the Rowdyruffs and she was the youngest in her class. Since it was the first دن of school; everyone introduced themselves. Two kids ran into...
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added by naruline
Source: SPGZ سے طرف کی me
added by taylorgentry4
added by BUBBLESD12
added by Princeton1_wife
added by animeXlover
Source: not me, some1's name started with K.
added by taylorgentry4