princess rosalina Club
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posted by chikoritafan
 Look at those eyes...staring into your soul..
Look at those eyes...staring into your soul..
I've been a پرستار of Rosalina since I was in kindergarten, and I know a lot about her. So when Mario Kart 8 came out, a new unlockable character was in the roster. This was Baby Rosalina of course, and I bet most شائقین would be excited that Rosalina finally has a baby version of herself. I, on the other hand, think that there is no way she could be related to, یا be the past Rosalina.

She can't be the past form of Rosalina, and here's my evidence. If you're a true پرستار of Rosalina, آپ would've played the game Super Mario Galaxy. Once آپ unlock the kitchen, آپ also unlock another room, The Library....
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One دن rosalina was going to the beach.When she got there she saw mario,luigi and daisy.When they saw her they thought that was آڑو with a new hairdoo.When she کہا she was PRINCESS rosalina,they کہا your a princess .she کہا got a problem.for that دن luigi started dating her the end.hope آپ like it .to all rosalina fans.i really enjoy rosalina.if آپ want to talk about write on my wall.!!!!!!!!""!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!"!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""!"!"""""""!!!"(rosalina rocks the galaxy.
 rosalina kart
rosalina kart
posted by blake170
I am in the rosalina پرستار club and would like to tell آپ about rosalina. first i should start with her first game mario galaxy. i have not played it yet but i have herd good things about it. lets start with what she wears. she has blond hair and her bangs cover one eye. she sometimes has her سٹار, ستارہ wand. she wears a light blue dress and her finger nails are a light purple and also her crown. now lets have some info. in mario galaxy she tells آپ her story and the مزید آپ play the مزید آپ can hear her story. now آپ proably dont know this but her سیکنڈ game is mario cart. in the game آپ have to unlock her سے طرف کی winning یا playing 50 races. what she wears is difrent سے طرف کی what car یا bike she is riding. if she is in a car she wears her normal outfit in mario galaxy. when she rides the bike she wears something like princess peaches outfit but her normal light blue and light purple nails and her crown. that are all the games she is in so far. hope آپ liked the info.