"Was just leaving it actually..." Cynfael said with his eyes narrowed, looking up at Baldrik up and down, sniffing him. "That's odd. I could have sworn I smelled the scent of another vampire on you, but that wouldn't make sense." Cynfael commented before yawning. "I'm not going to question it Baldrik, just don't do anything to get yourself killed or..well, has a unlikely chance of doing so at least." He chuckled out with his eyes still narrowed, knowing Baldrik was up to some games.
"One!" Yurichi barked out, having the trainee's watch him as he lead the afternoon work out, having them get to the floor in push up position with weights attached to them. "Two!" He barked out again, having them hit to the floor. "Three!" He yelled, having them get up and do a jumping jack. He did this in many successions, doing it with them in the baking heat of the Japanese sun. "Yamate!" He called out before walking around, looking up and down. Twenty people; that was all he had from the three surrounding villages but they were determined like no others. "You all are panting, sweating and in pain. For four hours you've been here this morning and in the beginning you all were smiling, excited and ready to fight to defend your nation. Now...you all look at me, wondering why you have yet to see a blade even, so let me explain it simply. Your blade is not a weapon, it is merely an extension of the greatest weapon of all; the human body. The human body is what wages war, not any amount of weapons as they do not use themselves. So..you won't even see a weapon for a while. Instead? You have hard labor ahead. You think this is a game? That this is something pretty; maybe some sort of summer hobby you can pick up?" He asked while looking at one of the trainees, grabbing his hair as the teen fiddled with it. "What are you doing?"
"Fixing my hair!" The teen said angrily, looking at Yurichi as he held him by his hair.
"Excuse me?" Yurichi asked before chuckling a bit, walking back and turning his back. "No. In the second it takes to fix your hair, it's enough for a bullet to pierce your head or for a blade to slice your throat." He said before laughing. "You like your hair?"
"Yeah, I do." The teen huffed out.
"Good." Yurichi said before pulling a chair out from the side of one of the temple buildings, placing it right in center. "Everyone sit up, it's haircut time. Kiyoshi, I need the buzzer!" He yelled out, having a noticeably more softer voice.
"One!" Yurichi barked out, having the trainee's watch him as he lead the afternoon work out, having them get to the floor in push up position with weights attached to them. "Two!" He barked out again, having them hit to the floor. "Three!" He yelled, having them get up and do a jumping jack. He did this in many successions, doing it with them in the baking heat of the Japanese sun. "Yamate!" He called out before walking around, looking up and down. Twenty people; that was all he had from the three surrounding villages but they were determined like no others. "You all are panting, sweating and in pain. For four hours you've been here this morning and in the beginning you all were smiling, excited and ready to fight to defend your nation. Now...you all look at me, wondering why you have yet to see a blade even, so let me explain it simply. Your blade is not a weapon, it is merely an extension of the greatest weapon of all; the human body. The human body is what wages war, not any amount of weapons as they do not use themselves. So..you won't even see a weapon for a while. Instead? You have hard labor ahead. You think this is a game? That this is something pretty; maybe some sort of summer hobby you can pick up?" He asked while looking at one of the trainees, grabbing his hair as the teen fiddled with it. "What are you doing?"
"Fixing my hair!" The teen said angrily, looking at Yurichi as he held him by his hair.
"Excuse me?" Yurichi asked before chuckling a bit, walking back and turning his back. "No. In the second it takes to fix your hair, it's enough for a bullet to pierce your head or for a blade to slice your throat." He said before laughing. "You like your hair?"
"Yeah, I do." The teen huffed out.
"Good." Yurichi said before pulling a chair out from the side of one of the temple buildings, placing it right in center. "Everyone sit up, it's haircut time. Kiyoshi, I need the buzzer!" He yelled out, having a noticeably more softer voice.