Answer: Yo mama
Answer: what's there to explain?
Answer: hannah :)
Answer: I ran naked with a homosexual because I smoke crack...
Answer: Alvin From Alvin & the Chipmunks!
Answer: Linkin Park doi XD
Answer: Well it's either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,...
Answer: I hate 30. The smell of Ketchup 29. People who pr...
Answer: I'm deeply in love with my husband ♥ I love all...
Answer: 999999999999999999 times...
Answer: I have NO fucking idea XD
Answer: I did a blow job to a Jew Because I'm ugly DX
Answer: at first i thought 10 cause 4daughters each have on...
Answer: We say "Go to hell".
Answer: I commend آپ on this insightful question, as it ca...
Answer: I کہا ''Thank You'' and Bowed.
Answer: make مالٹا, نارنگی رس, جوس and leave the world wondering how...
Answer: I guess everyone is single here because they are al...
Answer: I'm faster then 80% of all snakes. I am fast. To...
Answer: I hate the person who invented THIS دکھائیں and all th...
Answer: Nothing,we were born same day,same year....And no,w...
Answer: I think it was this user link...
Answer: YAY!!!
Answer: Myself. :P
Answer: being normal
Answer: most liky pushed u, and as u fall i yell 'thats wha...
Answer: bikini bottom with my bffs spongebob patrick sandy...
Answer: KIRBY!!!!
Answer: Actually, it may be best to buy something personal...
Answer: "Thank آپ for building me a closet!" I don't h...
Answer: Jacob from Vampires Suck
Answer: It depends on what آپ mean سے طرف کی tall... Compared to...
Answer: Yes,I remember,why do آپ ask?
Answer: Say hi?
Answer: No. Maybe I should اقدام to Neverland to be a kid fo...
Answer: To...have a user icon?
Answer: [b]The Game[/b]
Answer: Sssssoooomem, some, some, ttthhhing, thing, somethi...
Answer: Technically we're all related. So everyone is relat...
Answer: Carnia Nebula
Answer: Some people believe in God, some people don't. I do...
Answer: YES her نام کا صارف is NomyCake and she's soooo cool!!...
Answer: Marry me.
Answer: An adult.
Answer: I'm your mom.
Answer: 'To the well-organized mind, death is but the اگلے...
Answer: its VERY hard to pronounce so be careful!...
Answer: My "Random" چیری, آلو بالو my بھیڑیا character is in there X...
Answer: I almost started to listen to Justin Bieber, آپ we...
Answer: I just say, "Your mom." Doesn't make sense, but it...
Answer: This is a sentence
Answer: I'd مککا, عجیب الخلقت back.
Answer: I've thought about this before. I would pee (be...
Answer: Your mother is a BEEP BEEPing BEEP Lorem Ipsum BEEP...
Answer: A failure.
Answer: Hold the prop.
Answer: for stealing a young child's lollipop.
Answer: ...
Answer: Everyone differs. I'd say I don't really hate anyt...
Answer: If you're not weird, you're not normal
Answer: Bellatrix Luna Voldemortina Hermione Obama Po...
Answer: I thought this was funny. ^^
Answer: that..... thing
Answer: When آپ get married!!!!!
Answer: I'd say two simple words....
Answer: um... -100000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
Answer: Billy bob? right?
Answer: Wanna know how I got these scars?
Answer: Robin: Bin... ¬_¬
Answer: I would love to meet all my شائقین !
Answer: What the heck?! XD
Answer: Rawr=Hi Rawr Rawr=Thnk آپ RAWR=I Love آپ
Answer: Where I am from..... It's I love you..... Africans...
Answer: Well, almost everyone will answer this سوال "No...
Answer: *gets on knees and screams to the sky* WHYYYYYYYYYY...
Answer: We are all born SUPERSTARS!!!
Answer: "Go to hell."
Answer: I love Cookie Monster and this pic <3
Answer: NO WAY!!! آپ seem really nice that was like me i g...
Answer: OMG! Let's make this the longest fanpop answer ever...
Answer: Me, myself, and I.
Answer: I believe in God. But I will not force anyone to ag...
Answer: Bagel
Answer: Hey, آپ (poke) آپ (poke) آپ (poke) آپ (p...
Answer: Wow. So much in so little time... 1) Knock my mo...
Answer: The answer to life (as well as the universe and eve...
Answer: IT'S مونگفلی, مونگ پھلی مکھن جیلی TIME!!!
Answer: Just The Thought Of Romance.
Answer: 1.) Your not '' Fat '' , but yes your a little bigg...
Answer: honestly I gotta say dizzo... cant go in the chat w...
Answer: I don't hate you, but I feel you're a tad overrated...
Answer: Princess Fluffabumps Meowington III VuV
Answer: doesn't give a fuck... :)
Answer: I am a girl. What defines that?
Answer: Pfft! No. Forget her o_O She's a hater xD This site...
Answer: Hey, guess what? I'v got some news for you. Come c...
Answer: any celeb who has openly dissed religions, minoriti...
Answer: Homosexuals and/or Bisexuals..