It was a nice beautiful not too hot sunny دن in Valencia, California. So I've decided to go to Six Flags Magic Mountain and ride all their roller coasters. When I got there the first I went on was Goliath, it was a big مالٹا, نارنگی and چیتی, نیلگوں ہرا giant coaster. Then after I rode X2 and it made my head spin even after I've rode it. Then I rode Batman: the ride and sung the Batman song for the entire ride, but all of the other riders got annoyed with my singing. After lunch I rode Ninja and the ride reminded me of the Iron Dragon at Cedar Point and then after that Tatsu, but it broke while I was on it. Then I got مزید head spinning action on Green Lantern: First Flight. I don't bother riding the kiddie coasters Canyon Blaster and Road Runner Express, because they're for Credit Whores. But I did ended up riding both tracks of Colouses and after that I rode Riddler's Revenge and lasty Apocalypse.

Goliath, anyone? :)
inch سے طرف کی inch
bringing me closer
to my doom
butterflies of
flutter nervously
in my stomach
knuckles whiten
jaws clench
what have I
gotten myself into
the suspense
is killing me
I'm going to hate it
I'm going to love it
I might lose my lunch
but I don't care
heaven help me
here it comes...
I hold my breath...
and then
I scream
my stomach
my breath
is stolen
my heart
is pounding
my veins
amid screams
of sweet terror
I fling up
my hands
and ride on
the wings
of Thrill!