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added by rose_emmett
posted by rose_emmett
I am so very sorry about not writing. I know I have made so many excuses before about being busy and what not, but I really haven't been able to get on here let alone on the computer.

My baby sister was born and she has had some minor problems(all fixable) and she has been in the hospital since she was born which was Monday April 26. She will most likely be in the hospital for a little while longer as she has to get some surgery done, then she will be heading ہوم :).

So in the اگلے two weeks? i suppose I will not be getting on here much. When she finally comes ہوم I will try my very best to keep up with my stories on a regular basis.

Thank آپ all for the support and cooperation through the time I have not been able to write! Thank you!

P.S. love آپ guys! will write soon.
added by rose_emmett
"Rosalie?" I heard Jasper say coming into the room. His voice was a پار, صلیب between mad and trying to be calm. I sighed and looked at him.

"What the hell?" He asked gesturing out of the door obviously about Alice. I shook my head.

"I know. Im sorry. I got carried away. Im sorry. She just...she was being stubborn and آپ know me, I couldn't handle it." I sighed as I looked away.

"Rose, I asked آپ to convince her to come with us. To let her process this. That was not what آپ did." He کہا letting the anger he held inside him come out with the words. I nodded my head as I was feeling ashamed for...
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added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
I was sitting beside Emmett, my head rested upon his shoulder and my hand clenched in his. Alice and Jasper sat together on the floor, and Esme and Carlisle sat in the love نشست across from the سوفی, لٹانا and happily watched TV with us.

Edward came waltzing into the front room with a distorted expression. I noticed Alice had a large smile across her face as she watched him approach us.

"Edward what is it?" Esme asked sweetly. Edward took in a deep breath of air and his face tightened.

"I did something that I'm not proud of."

My body became instantly tense because I knew what he was going to say.

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added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
added by rose_emmett
"Rosalie?" Esme sweet voice carried through the room over to me. My head snapped up and I opened my eyes to find her standing in front of me.

"Honey, are آپ okay?"

I shook my head, I didnt trust my voice at the moment.

"What's wrong, dear?" She asked as she sat down beside me.

"I hurt Emmett." I whispered looking down at my hands.

"Oh honey." She کہا hugging me gently with one arm and brushed my hair out of my face with the other.

"How could آپ have done that?" She continued, her motherly tone still strong.

"I-I-" I stuttered then shook my head. I didnt know if I could nor if I should say it.

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