Were the moon landings faked? Was it all an elaborate hoax to beat the soviets in the space race? Was America lacking the technical ability to make it to the moon? What do آپ think?
An amazing discovery of an 'elbowed' species of squid. This unreal footage shows an alien-like squid with its massive fins waving, suspended with it's elbow-like appendages and tentacles.
Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green describes the technology (that she has just been funded $1.1 million to develop) that may be the cure to all cancers. This physician might have just saved the world.
If آپ were looking at two shapes—specifically, a pointy, jagged polygon and an amoeboid-like splotch—which would آپ name "bouba," and which would آپ name "kiki"? Courtesy of SciFri.