Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Links
Ed and Envy were dating but Ed didn't want anyone to know but Envy on the other hand dose.
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Just a little paragraph explaning about sibling rivalry between the two
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This is a spot for شائقین of Sesshomaru پرستار fiction, where آپ can talk about your پسندیدہ پرستار fics, read یا post some, but NO Yaoi! Yaoi on this spot is prohibited.... says ye, arar:p
1 fan
For شائقین of the Sesshomaru and Naraku paring, just incase Sess and Inu don't do it for ya and آپ need just a little مزید evil in your diet, this spot's for you.
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Here's some Sess/Inu-pics that were uploaded on Deviantart. (None of the work is mine of course and so I do not take credit for any of the art on display herein.)
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I just discovered this spot existed...XDDDDD!!!!! Yay!
2 fans
Hope آپ enjoy it!
3 fans