Do آپ know the song "We are One (Ole Ola) "? یا "Diamonds"? Sia helped to write the two. Sia Furler is a موسیقی writer, musician, and an Australian singer. Some of her most مقبول حالیہ songs are "Chandelier" and "Elastic Heart" from her new album, "1000 forms of Fear" her most مقبول album سے طرف کی far. Sia also is known for being very humble and shy. I like Sia's موسیقی because she has a very delicate and pretty voice. She also has a very large range and in concerts is almost always at the correct pitch and harmonizes very well. She has written songs for lots of فلمیں and other شخصیات مشہور and collaborated with many others. In conclusion, I also like her موسیقی videos, although some are controversial because they are beautiful. Also, I like how Sia writes about problems that she has, for example "Chandelier" describes her drinking problems. In addition, I like how she is so shy and humble and she does not want to be judged سے طرف کی her face. Finally, I like Sia's موسیقی very much.